The 1st Annual General Meeting of Apex Club Of Penang Held On The 16th Sept.1972.
E&O Hotel, Farquhar Street, Penang.
Apexian K.Kumaraendran (Dato' ) President 1971/1972.

WEDNESDAY, 21 May 2008
CHAIRMAN : Lifer Tony Ng
FINE MASTER : John Richard
APOLOGIES TO BE SENT TO LIFER LIM AT 012-5726581 or Lifer Tony 0124857481
Attendance: President Lifer Lim, IPP Edward Mai, Mike Ong, Jane Chan, Angie Loh, Jason Ang,Victor Corbett,
Lifer Tony Ng and Lifer Stephen Chinniah
Apologies : Terrie Loo, S.M. Balan , Anthony Jayakumar & Lifer Andrew Ong, Goh Ai Choo
1.0 Confirmation of minutes:
1.1 Minutes of last meeting was proposed to be adopted by Victor and seconded by Jason Ang.
2.0 Bursary Report:
2.0 A RM 1,500.00 cheque was presented to Sek Men Zainal Abidin. President Lifer Lim, Mike and
Angie were present. The Principal, Mr Gan volunteered to bring students to help in any of our future service
3.0 Service Director Report:
3.1 Caris Home: Wordings on the wall to be done up and Mike will check with YB Phee Boon Poh, whether he
will be able to officiate the open ceremony.
1st of May, donated 12 big tins of ensure milk, 6 bottles of Alphagen eyes drop,3 cartons brown sugar, 2 packets of 3 in 1 Milo and 20 Apex T shirts.
3.3 Mt Miriam Hospital: RM653 from sales of Ho Chiak charity food fair was given to the Hospital. All the
food were sold out except Fried Thai Beehoon which was given to
The Hospital collected RM310,00.00 from this project.
3.4 Shrubs along Jln Mesjid Negeri: Victor will follow up.
4.0 Other Directors Report
4.1 Promoting Apex to Colleges: Mike Ong will follow up on this project when he returns from
5.0 General
5.1 Closing of Accounts for the term 2007/2008 is
5.2 Gribbles will be organizing a Health Programme. There will be a food fair at
5 NGOs were chosen and Apex is among them. Will adopt project and discuss further.
5.3 K.L. Club will be having their 5th Joint Central Meeting on
5.4 Next dinner Meeting is an AGM, 21/05/08
5.5 NRM John Richards will be in
5.6 National Convention at
5.7 Club Reports must reached by
5.8 To propose Lifer Lim to be National IRO
5.9 PNP Edward Mai and Mike Ong will be attending the 32nd Apex
6.0 Nomination was carried out and the following names were proposed and seconded.
President 2008/2009 Angie Loh Proposed by: Victor Corbett
Seconded by: Mike Ong
Secretary 2008/2009 Mike Ong Proposed by: Edward Mai
Seconded by: Jason Ang
Treasurer 2008/2009 Jane Chan Proposed by: Jason Ang
Seconded by: Tony Ng
7.0 Fines: fines collected RM18.00,(RM9.00 to travel fund and fines a/c respectively)
Meeting adjourned at
Proposed by: Seconded by:
Prepared by: Jane Chan
Beer Does Contain Female Hormones. Last month, scientists at the National University of Lesotho , did release the results of an experiment, which revealed the presence of female hormones in beer. Men should, thus, carefully evaluate their own beer consumption rates and amounts. More so, because of the new theory that beers contain female hormones (hops are comprised of phytoestrogens), and so by drinking enough of beer, men can turn into women. To test the theory, 100 men were asked by the scientists to drink 8 pints of beer each, within a 1 hour period. It was then observed that 100% of the test subjects: 1) Argued over nothing and everything.
No further tests were deemed necessary, as the theory had been proven to be scientifically correct. Send it to all the men, whom you may know, to at least warn them, in advance, on the risks of drinking too much beer!!! | |
Apex Global
Anyone who has studied Apex history can tell you about the original meeting of the Geelong Apex Club on the 10th March 1931 in the Cafe at
Since that time Apex went on to spread throughout the Asia Pacific Region – into
On Saturday 15th March 2008 another watershed chapter in Apex History was created. At a Café at the Ibis Hotel in
Apex Global has eradicated politics and money from the principles and now exists as an entity that relies on each other for support without politics or money (fees) to influence decisions.
The seven (7) Apex Associations –
The idea for the formation of Apex Global stemmed from an Apex Associations meeting in
A significant project was undertaken and a Memorandum of Understanding was slowly developed using the skills of Past leaders as well as utilising existing Constitutions from ASPAC, WOCO, Apex
Since that time each Association has reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding and individually signed in principle to the formation. After almost two years of work the time had arrived.
It is important to note that each and every National Board had already reviewed the Apex Global Memorandum of Understanding prior to proceeding (except Apex
At the momentous meeting held on 15th March all Associations agreed that the entity should form and the birth of a greater Apex was realised.
The first formal meeting of Apex Global will now take place at the Apex Malaysia National Convention in August 2008. Current Apex Australia National President Rick Hose is anticipated to take on the task of being the first Chairperson of Apex Global. The Chair position will then rotate through the Associations annually ensuring fairness and transparency for all. Each Association will take their turn in leading this new Apex family. Through that process - projects, exchanges, training and development should hopefully flourish.
March 15th 2008 is a watershed day for our Apex family. Hopefully in 70 years time they will talk about that day in
The formation of Apex Global is something that occurred to better the Apex family. It was not formed to take the place of the individual Apex Associations. All Associations at the meeting in March had their say about what needed to occur to build the idea of Apex Global. It was clearly understood that this was NOT Apex International reinvented. Apex International failed because of politics and because of the reliance of most Associations on Apex
By creating an entity that does not rely on money or politics- it gives a greater opportunity for growth and development.
Apex Global will allow the various Apex Associations to sit as equals around a table twice a year and to plan as equals for the development of Apex in our region. It will ensure that each Association has a fair say. Each Association will be able to give ideas to follow up on and promote projects that all of the Associations can become involved in.
Importantly it will allow we as Apex Associations to come together regularly as a group – something that has been severely lacking – ASPAC as an entity allowed for similar meetings – but ASPAC is what many might call a “dead fish”. It will not survive past the next 12 months – unless a dramatic change in attitude by Round Table occurs.
At the ASPAC meeting in
Apex Global will allow us to meet now under the Apex banner and use that as a ‘vehicle’ to promote ourselves within our own countries as well as within our region.
The Objectives of Apex Global are:-
To foster and promote active interests in all community affairs both locally and internationally;
To encourage high standards and communication in business;
To share ideas and methods of greater efficiency and effectiveness;
To promote and participate in genuine good fellowship;
To contact and support young people.
The Apex Global Statement is something that is encompassed within the new Apex Global Brand.
The statement enshrined across the top of the brand describing our purpose is:-
“PARTICIPATION, PEOPLE, PURPOSE - our world, our community”
This statement is to be utilised at all times when publicising in the wider regional community.
The Statement of Purpose “PARTICIPATION, PEOPLE, PURPOSE – our world, our community” forms part of the overall mission of all Apex Associations. Being that we as likeminded Associations will encourage all members to increase their Participation in Apex, that the People of Apex are united in their desire to help their own communities as well as all communities in our region and that our Purpose is to create an atmosphere where we all Grow, Learn Make Friends and Have Fun while Helping Others. Our World, Our Community is a symbolic statement of our membership of a wider community across the globe.
It is important to note that Apex Global is an entity that will service all Apex Associations
– it is not something to consider the terms “what will it do for me – or what’s in it for us”…it is something for all Apex Associations to work with to make greater friends in other countries.
Also that the principles behind Apex remain the same – that it is an organisation for young men and women between the ages of 18 and 45 – with the important fact that our retired members over 45 years are also maintained as vital influences and role models for the young active members. Our over 45’ers are not put out the pasture at the end of their careers – but are given the opportunity to remain involved in the Apex experience by mentoring and helping young Apexians achieve the same levels of excellence that they once did.
The challenges that lie ahead of the Apex movement are many – how do we expand into other areas – how do we promote ourselves to the young communities we live in – what do we have to do to make our Apex more relevant to today’s society- how do we move out of our traditionally conservative style into something that will excite and attract today’s youth – without throwing away the traditions and history of our forefathers.
These are all questions that will be addressed, asked and hopefully answered by the new Apex Global entity where all ideas will be tabled – and hopefully a new course chartered and steered.
It will be up to the new Apex Global Group Committee to take this new Apex entity and work it towards what we want to achieve. There is still much to be done – but this new united entity gives hope for a promising future.
Bryan Whitehorn
Past National President Apex Australia 2003-2004
Past ASPAC Chairman 2006-2007
Life Member Apex Australia 2007
1.1. Name
The name of the Organisation is Apex Global
1.2. Pertinent Definitions
The combined group of Apex Associations joined as one International Group known as Apex Global.
The combined heads of each Apex Association that manages the business of Apex Global
The various individual National Apex Associations
The National Boards which conduct the business of the individual Associations and their Districts, Regions and States within each Association.
1.2.5 WOCO
The World Council of Service Clubs that encompasses Apex, Round Table International, Active 20-30 and
1.2.6 ASPAC
The Asia-Pacific regional body that consists of the Apex Associations and Round Table Associations
1.2.7 ASPAC Regional Chairman.
The elected position of Regional Chairman of the ASPAC Organisation
A member of Apex Global that can attend Group meetings, and participate in all discussions and activities but is ineligible to vote at this forum until it meets the minimum requirement for full membership i.e. minimum of three clubs within the Association.
1.3. Interpretations
1.3.1. The Memorandum of Understanding is to be read on the basis that the words have their usual English meaning as stated in the Macquarie Dictionary.
1.3.2. It is the intention of every Apexian that the Memorandum of Understanding be read and followed with the best interests and Ideals of Apex in mind.
2.1. The Ideals of the Organization are:-
2.1.1. To make the ideal of service the basis of all enterprise;
2.1.2. To develop by example a more intelligent and aggressive citizenship;
2.1.3. To provide a means of forming enduring friendship rendering altruistic service and building better communities;
2.1.4. To promote international understanding and friendship.
2.2. The Objectives of Apex Global shall be:-
2.2.1. To foster and promote active interests in all community affairs both locally and internationally;
2.2.2. To encourage high standards and communication in business;
2.2.3. To share ideas and methods of greater efficiency and effectiveness;
2.2.4. To promote and participate in genuine good fellowship;
2.2.5. To contact and support young people.
3.1. Logo
3.1.1. The rising sun represents the rising generation of youth;
3.1.2. The base of the triangle represents the ideal of citizenship;
3.1.3. The sides of the triangle represent the ideals of fellowship and service.
3.1.4. The logo can be adapted by each country to incorporate their individual identity by placing the name of their country at the base
3.1.4 The Logo is the original design from the Founders of Apex.
3.2 The Brand
3.2.1 The Brand incorporates the Logo.
3.2.2 The intention of the Brand is to present a consistent single identity of Apex Global to the international public.
3.2.3. The triangular logo should be devoted to historical and internal uses when promoting Apex, while the arched brand is our adopted focus when externally promoting Apex nationally & internationally
3.2.4 The arch represents the clasp of hands of friendship across the various countries that form part of the Apex Global alliance.
3.2.5 The arch elevates the Logo to demonstrate the importance of the ideals and philosophy represented in the Logo.
3.2.6 In addition the arch demonstrates the unified and cooperative assistance shared by participating Apex organizations
3.2.7 The brand will not be altered from its original state without the approval of the Group Committee.
3.2 Use
3.2.1 It is recommended that the Logo and its various adaptations for each Apex Country be utilised in conjunction with the Brand to suitably promote Apex in each individual Country as well as Internationally.
3.3. Colours
The official colours of Apex Global are red, blue and yellow.
3.4 Apex Global Statement
The statement enshrined across the top of the brand describing our purpose is:-
“PARTICIPATION, PEOPLE, PURPOSE - our world, our community”
This statement is to be utilised at all times when publicising in the wider regional community.
3.4.1 The Statement of Purpose “PARTICIPATION, PEOPLE, PURPOSE – our world, our community” forms part of the overall mission of all Apex Associations. Being that we as likeminded Associations will encourage all members to increase their Participation in Apex, that the People of Apex are united in their desire to help their own communities as well as all communities in our region and that our Purpose is to create an atmosphere where we all Grow, Learn Make Friends and Have Fun while Helping Others. Our World, Our Community is a symbolic statement of our membership of a wider community across the globe.
4.1. The membership of Apex Global shall consist of Apex Associations. Membership is not restricted to Associations maintaining membership of WOCO or ASPAC. Members who choose to not be members of either WOCO or ASPAC shall maintain Apex Global membership status without prejudice.
4.2. An Association shall consist of not less than 3 clubs.
4.3. Associations with less than 3 clubs shall be appointed with Associate member status to Apex Global to encourage participation and expansion.
4.4 The Age limit of the active members of the individual Associations should not exceed 45 years, but Associations that maintain an active membership age of over 45 years will maintain membership of Apex Global through the approval of The Group Committee. Associations will consist of male, female and mixed clubs with encouragement given to Associations to have clubs with identification as non gender specific.
4.5 All Associations shall be incorporated pursuant to the relevant laws of the country they are based. Apex Global accepts no liability for errors, omissions or acts by individual associations against the laws of any nation or nations, and no liability can be transferred to Apex Global by a member association.
4.6 There are no financial expectations or fees for membership of Apex Global.
4.7 There will be no bank accounts operated in the name of Apex Global.
5.1. Obligations
5.1.1. Every Association and every individual member of every Association shall follow the Ideals and Objectives of Apex Global.
5.2. Chartering of New Clubs and Associations
A prospective Club and/or Association may be chartered providing:-
5.2.1. The prospective Club/Association is sponsored by a Club with a current charter or by an Association;
5.2.2. The sponsor and the prospective Club/Association follow the chartering process outlined in the individual Associations relevant rules.
5.3. Communication
Each Association shall be entitled to communicate directly with The Group Committee and The Group Committee shall communicate directly with each Association.
6.1. Governing Body
6.1.1 The business of Apex Global shall be administered by The Group Committee.
6.1.2 The mission of The Group Committee is to assure a well run, effective Apex Global that is responsive to its members needs. The Group Committee shall:- Pursue the Ideals and Objectives; Develop projects and activities jointly within the region; Oversee administrative functions; and Ensure the financial responsibility and accountability of any activities undertaken by The Group.
6.1.3 The Group Committee’s vision is that it shall provide effective leadership of Apex Global by:- Recognising the need for change and managing it effectively; Responding to member Association needs and expectations; Unifying its actions; and Focusing on solutions
6.2. The Group Committee
The persons who sit on The Group Committee shall consist of:-
6.2.1 The Apex Global Chairperson (automatically placed by way of rotation as per Article 6.6.3);
6.2.2 The Apex Global Vice Chairperson (automatically placed by way of rotation as per Article 6.6.5);
6.2.3 The National Presidents of each Apex Association as elected by their Association or a member appointed to the position as approved by that individual member Associations National Board;
6.2.4 The incoming National Vice President of the home Association of the incoming Apex Global Chairperson shall assume the position of that Associations representative on The Group Committee or such other member as approved by that Associations National Board.
6.3. Powers of the Group Committee:-
6.3.1 The powers, duties and obligations of the members of The Group Committee are as restricted to those duties established within this Memorandum of Understanding
6.4. The Activities of Apex Global
6.4.1 Any activity in the name of Apex shall be undertaken having regard to the Ideals and Objects of Apex Global and Apex in general.
6.4.2 The activities that Apex Global conducts as a united body may undertake are to be conducted under the approval and supervision of The Group Committee
6.4.3 Activities conducted as Individual Associations either locally or Internationally are to be conducted under the auspice of that individual Association’s sovereign right, however all International activities are recommended to be placed before The Group Committee for formal approval.
6.5. Day to Day Management of Apex Global
The day to day management of Apex Global shall be conducted by the appointed Chairperson or Vice Chairperson or his or her proxy as approved by The Group Committee.
6.6 Apex Global Chairperson
6.6.1 The position of Chair of the Apex Global Group shall rotate through the individual Associations. The National President or their proxy as approved by that Association’s National Board shall automatically assume the position of Chair of Apex Global as of the 1st July each financial year.
6.6.2 The Chairperson shall maintain that position in conjunction with their role of National President during that twelve month period. If in the circumstance that an Association’s Annual Changeover is not conducted until an extended period after the 1st July, the member assuming the position of National President at that next changeover shall automatically assume the position of Chairperson of Apex Global as of 1st July prior to their swearing in to the position of National President of their Association.
6.6.3 The position of Chairperson of Apex Global shall rotate through the individual Associations on a rotational basis in the following order commencing from the 1st July 2008
Any new Association Chartered will join at the bottom of the list.
6.6.4 If in the event of one Association declining the position of Chairperson of Apex Global the position of Chairperson shall automatically be assumed by the incoming National President of the next Association in the rotation.
6.6.5 The Vice Chairman of Apex Global shall be the incoming National Vice President of the next Association in the rotation.
6.6.6 If in the event that due to unforeseen circumstances that neither position can be filled by way of the process as listed above – the positions of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall automatically resume at the commencement of the list.
7.1 Apex Global Chairperson
The duties of the Apex Global Chairperson shall include the following:
7.1.1. The attendance if possible at the two Group Committee Meetings.
7.1.2 The investigation with The Group Committee and with the assistance of individual Apex Associations of the possibilities of extension to new areas in the region
7.1.3 The promotion and encouragement of the active participation in all aspects of Apex by members.
7.1.4 Keeping the ASPAC Regional Chairman informed of all Apex Global activities within the region.
7.1.5 Chairing the meetings of The Group Committee
7.1.6 In general to promote The Groups Ideals and Objectives and represent the interests of Apex Global and to fulfill such duties as the members may from time to time decide.
7.1.7 To promote travel and fellowship between the members of Apex Global
7.1.8 To encourage club to club relationships within Apex Global
7.2 Apex Global Vice Chairperson
The Vice Chairperson shall in general understudy the Chairman and their duties shall include the following:
7.2.1 To generally assist the Chairperson
7.2.2 To act as secretary at meetings of The Group Committee
7.2.3 To fulfill such duties as the members from time to time decide
7.2.4 To Chair Apex Global meetings in the absence of the Chairperson
7.3 Restrictions
7.3.1 The position of Chairperson/Vice Chairperson of Apex Global does not result in that individual having authority over any Association.
It is purely a management/coordination position of The Group. The position is for the chairing of the two annual meetings and the coordination of activities and communication between the members of the Apex Global Group. The chair position holds no power or authority over any sovereign association’s activities or interests.
8.1 The Group Committee shall meet not less than two times in the Apex Global year, the first of which shall be held at a Regional Member Associations Changeover usually in July or August and shall be deemed to be the AGM and the second at the venue of the ASPAC – ATSUMARI AGM which is normally hosted in February or March of each year.
8.2 The Apex Global year shall commence on the first day of July in each year and shall end on the 30th day of June in the following year.
9.1 Voting at meetings of the Apex Global Group Committee shall, unless otherwise provided, be by simple majority by way of a show of hands, each Association being entitled to vote on the matter under consideration having one vote. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
9.2 A quorum for any meeting of the Apex Global Group Committee shall be 40% of those Members who are entitled to vote. (Under the current 7 Association membership a minimum of 3 from 7 Associations is required to be present for a quorum)
9.3 Any motion submitted by a Member Association to any Meeting shall require a seconder.
9.4 One delegate elected for such purpose by each member association shall be entitled to vote at the meetings of The Group Committee
9.5 The Chairperson of the Apex Global Group Committee is designated to have a casting vote at all Group Committee meetings.
10.1 Notice of a meeting of the Apex Global Group Committee together with an Agenda of the business to be transacted at such meeting shall be sent by the Chairperson to the Presidents of all member Associations at least 60 days prior to such meeting.
11.1 The total expenses of all members of The Group Committee shall be the responsibility of their respective Associations.
12.1 The Business of Apex Global shall be disposed of in the following order or in such order as the meeting by resolution may determine.
Ideals and Objectives
Welcome and meeting procedure
Adoption of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Matters arising from the Minutes
Association reports
Projects and Cross Association Programs
Extension and Chartering of Clubs and Associations
Regional Projects and items of interest
Date and Venue of the next Meeting
Any other Regional Business
Apex Global Chairpersons Report
ASPAC matters
Any other business
Sergeant at Arms Fine Session
13.1 This Memorandum of Understanding may only be amended if such proposed amendment is circulated to all Members 60 days prior to the relevant meeting and if two-thirds of the Member Associations are present and entitled to vote in favour of such a proposal. (Under current 7 association membership – 5 from 7 required to be present)
14.1 The following administrative arrangements will apply in the event of a decision to wind up or suspend the affairs of Apex Global:
14.1.1 In the event of a decision to wind up the affairs of Apex Global which shall be taken only at an Annual General Meeting at which not less than two-thirds of the total votes of those present and entitled to vote are cast in favour of such windup.
14.1.2 The Apex Global Members shall decide upon the safekeeping and or disposal of records, insignia and other assets of Apex Global.
15.1. The Founders of Apex
The Founders of Apex are recognised as Ewen Laird OBE, Langham Proud OBE and Sir John Buchan CBE.
15.2. Birthplace and Birth date:-
The birthplace of the Apex movement was the Geelong Apex Club on 10 March 1931.
15.3. Individual Association Birthdates
Apex Global recognises that the 10th March 1931 was the overall birth date of the Apex movement but that each individual Association recognises its own individual and unique time and date that Apex commenced in each individual country.
15.4. Apex Celebrations
Each individual Association shall celebrate its birth during the periods associated with the development of Apex within those member countries.
15.5 Apex Global Celebrations
Every Association is encouraged to annually highlight the existence of Apex Global particularly during the month of March, including March 10th the birth date of the Apex movement.
15.5. The Organisation shall be non-party political and non-sectarian.