"As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped to shape Apex Club of Penang in a most significant way. We value our relationship with you and look forward to working with you in the year to come. We wish you a very happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and prosperity."

WEDNESDAY, 17th December 2008
CHAIRMAN : Victor Corbett
Attendance: President Andrew Ong, Lifer Lim CC, Lifer Tony Ng, Jane Chan, Victor Corbett, Edward Mai, Jason Ang, Angie Low & Mike Ong .
Apologies: Gurmeet Singh, Ai Choo, Anthony Jayakumar & Balan Menon.
On Leave: Terrie Loo
1.0 Confirmation of minutes
1.1 The 836th Meeting Minutes was proposed for adoption by Jason Ang &
seconded by Angie Low.
2.0 Service Report
2.1 On the Food Charity Carnival, our ticket sales totaled RM12,000 & the sales
commission was RM2,400/-. Members agreed that from this commission RM500
be donated to Charis Home for helping to sell RM2,570/= worth of tickets. Jane
Chan reported that all the sales proceeds had been paid to the Main Committee.
The President thanked all members for their effort.
2.2 Victor will arrange for Apexians to do weeding at Cheshire Home.
2.3 Victor will download the bursary forms for Angie Low when they are available.
3.0 Promoting Apex to private colleges/secondary schools
3.1 Members agreed to always keep this project e.g. KDU, in mind.
3.2 Victor will head a Sub-Committee with Jason Ang, Angie Low & Mike Ong as
members to promote Apex to
3.3 Edward Mai requested members to consistently provide him with photographs
for his blogspot.
4.0 Mid-Term Meet to be hosted by S.P Club/ social
4.1 Members lamented that there is little information on the Mid-Term, even from
the NB. Edward asked about the status of members settling their per capita.
When told that some have yet to pay, President advised all to do so promptly.
4.2 Victor informed that the SP members will meet at our next dinner meeting on
17/12/08 to discuss about their preparation for the Mid-Term Meeting.
4.3 Members will have social with Lifer David Chitty on 6/12/08 at the Pg Chinese
Swimming Club.
5.0 General
5.1 To comply with TNB’s requirement before they would shift the meter at Club
house, Mike Ong will apply for a certified true copy of ROS certificate soon.
5.2 Edward said Apexians intending to go for the
May 2009 must book early as it is cheaper now.
5.3 Edward informed that the overland trip to Chiang Mai with IRM Group next
year will be done with professional help.
5.4 Fines collection was RM21/=. Apportioned RM16/= to Travel Fund, RM5/= to
Fines A/c. Lifer Tony informed that the total up to Nov 2008 stands at RM219/-.
Meeting adjourned at 9.40pm, proposed by Edward and seconded by Tony Ng.
Minutes Proposed by: …………………. Seconded by:……………….
Prepared by: Mike Ong
( CLUB NO.8 )
Membership & Attendance
The membership of the club as at 1/1/09 was as follow:-
Active Members : 17 ( include 4 Lifers )
Non-Resident members : 4
Future plan: Our intention was to induct 5 persons in 2008/2009, so far we have inducted 1 person.
Dinner & Board Meetings
Club meetings are held at May Garden Restaurant on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 8pm. Total number of dinner meetings held was 12 of which 6 were board meetings. Attendance at dinner meetings average at 75%.
Service Record
The following were done during the period:-
1) Jointly organized the Charity Food Carnival 2008 with 3 other NGOs in conjunction with the 2nd International Health & Fitness Expo at Penang International Sports Arena from 29th to 30th November 2008. We donated RM500 of the proceeds from ticket sales to Charis Home for their development fund. The balance goes towards our Education Fund to be used to promote Apex to colleges and secondary schools in
Future Plan: To promote Apex to colleges and secondary schools in
Future Plan: We will liaise with Tesco to jointly hold a blood donation drive during the coming Apex Service Week 2009.
3) The garden plots at Penang Cheshire Home are being planted with herbal plants for use by cancer patients.
Future Plan: We will call it “
4) At the Cheshire Home Foster Parents’ Day on 8/11/08, Apex Pg sponsored 3 inmates for their whole year living expenses at the Home.
Future Plan: Apex Pg will continue to support this fostering program. We
International Relations
6th - 11th Aug 2008 - Senior Apex Member Lim Chin Chai home hosted 2 Apexians
Apexian Edward Mai home hosted Apexian Megan from
May 2009 - Apexian Edward Mai and a few Apexians plan to attend the National Convention of the
1) Apex Pg played host to NRM John Richard’s nephew and his spouse their 2 weeks vacation here in Sept/Oct 2008.
2) Apexians had social with Lifer David Chitty when he was here on 6/12/08.
3) Apexian Balan gave Apexians a Deepavali treat while members celebrated X’mas with Apexian Victor Corbett and his family.
Apex Action & Expansion
1) Apex Pg had a joint meeting with SP Club on 17/12/08. Matters discussed included matters relating to the Mid-Term Meeting.
2) No EMGAM night was held.
Dinner Notice
1) Altogether 12 Dinner Notices were prepared and sent by email to all members, Nat’l President, Nat’l Board members and other Clubs.
2) Since 4/4/08, Apexian Edward had put up the 1st blogspot by Apex Clubs in
We plan to give out bursary during the coming Apex Service Week in March 2009.
Future Plan: In addition to giving bursary of this nature, there are plans to give aids to college students who are active in Apex activities. We plan to promote Apex to KDU and one or two secondary school in
Public Speaking
There was no public speaking session held.
As at 1 January 2009 - General Fund RM __________
Service Fund RM __________
Apexians Victor Corbett and Edward Mai had been bestowed Senior Apex Membership, effective from the last National Convention in Seremban. Victor is currently the Regional Director- Northern while Senior Apex Member Lim Chin Chai is the NIRO while Apexian Terrie Loo is the National Treas
Club Secretary 2008/2009
Dated: 10 December 2008
6th December 2008, Lifer David Chitty from Malacca Club.

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