One click and it's all there.

Just a suggestion ----- Perhaps, you could extract the "comments received" for every issue and put in your next Dinner Notice.
I noticed you have "one comment" in your last issue but not highlighted in this current issue.
Cheers lor
CRD 2008/2009
We wish you today...
a day of special graces...
a day of extraordinary things to smile about...
and a day with much happiness and love in your hearts...
Vic and Auring
San Pablo City
Kamala Marimuthu said...
Congratulations on your blog. very well done. In fact I should say - fantastic. Moving forward, this should be emulated by other clubs too - just a suggestion from my side.
Great work done.
Thanks for the DN. Great news.
As a past member of Club 21, Manly, NSW Australia,in the 1960's I congratulate those involved in this new developement of Apex Global, a necessary step to ensure continuance of this marvellous organisation.
Don Cameron. Resident. Singapore
Lim Chee Meng said...
Hi folks,
Greeting from Singapore.
You folks are absolutely very updated and through your Blogger I believe many fellows Apexians can benefit a lot...... from your constant and accurate posting of information.
I must said here that you guys did a wonderful job.
Thanks Edward and Victor for meeting up with me for fellowship during my visit home.
Most of all to Edward for spending time with me and my beautiful friends.
Create and Love
When you light up the path for others, your own path will be lighted up too.
In The Thinking Zone
You can only lose what you cling to.
God bless all of you.
Edwin SJ Ng PJK-Lifer, Klang
I wish to highlight that certain portions of the words over-lapped with the page length markings. Is there a way to avoid the over-lappings?
Generally, I would say the blog-spot is good due to your commendable effort. Keep it up.
Mike Ong
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