Haji Sulaiman Abdullah and K. Kumaerandran are both former Apexians from Penang.
written by Haji Sulaiman Abdullah,

WEDNESDAY, 15 April 2009
CHAIRMAN : Goh Ai Choo
Attendance: President Andrew Ong, Lifer Tony Ng, Lifer LimCC, Jane Chan,
Edward Mai, Victor Corbett, Jason Ang, Angie Low, Ai Choo,
Gurmeet Singh, Anthony Jayakumar & Mike Ong .
Apologies: Balan Menon On Leave : Terrie Loo Guest : Ms June Koe
1.0 Welcoming the guest
1.1 President welcomed the guest and hope that she will get to know Apex better.
2.0 Confirmation of minutes
2.1 The 844th Meeting Minutes was proposed for adoption by Lifer Tony Ng and
seconded by Gurmeet Singh.
3.0 Service Report
3.1 Jireh Home, Kulim - Mike Ong has made plaque of size 3” by 2”, costing RM90.
3.2 Charity Car Wash 2009 –
i) As there was a guest, Victor proposed to defer discussion to the next meeting.
ii) Period: April to May 2009.
iii) The pledge to sell tickets remained status quo, as follow:- Total
Victor 170
Edward 110
Andrew 50
Mike & Gurmeet – 30 tickets each 60
Angie Low, Jason & Tony Ng - 20 tickets each 60
Jane, Lim CC & Balan - 10 tickets each 30
Anthony, Seah KL, Terrie & Ai Choo were allocated 10 tickets each 40
4.0 Blood Donation Campaign 2009
4.1 Victor reported that 2 banners had been put up at Tesco. He had faxed
information about the event to the local press while Mike Ong has sent
out letters to past year blood donors.
Project date: 5/4/09. Venue:
4.2 President requested all members to render assistance at the function.
5.0 Other Directors’ Reports
5.1 Edward said he will brief Bursary Director Angie Low on details of the pupil
from St Xavier’s School, Pg who has appeal for financial help.
5.2 Gurmeet Singh said he will soon buy the 4 trolleys which he pledged to donate
to Charis Home.
5.3 Mike Ong reported that the Main Committee of Food Charity Carnival 2008
made a net profit of RM8,000/=. As a result Apex Pg, and the other 3 NGOs
each was given RM2,000/= for their participation. In all, Apex Pg had a gross
income of RM4,200/=, from commission for ticket sales and the share of profit.
5.4 Edward made a final call on members to accompany him to
6.0 General
6.1 Fines collection was RM16, apportioned RM10/= to Travel Fund, RM6/= to
Fines A/c.
Meeting adjourned at 9.20pm, proposed by Gurmeet and seconded by Angie Low.
Minutes Proposed by: …………………. Seconded by:……………….
Prepared by: Mike Ong

NEXT APEX Campaign...... collect used or new bras for poor PAPAYA's farmers !!!!!
Stress Reliever #1 ...........
Wife : You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Hubby : When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your
picture and the problem disappears.
Wife : You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you
Hubby : Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, 'What other problem can there be greater than this one?'
Stress Reliever ..#2
Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles
and lighten your burden.
Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, But I don't have any worries or
Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet.
Stress Reliever # 3
Wife to husband: 'What's your excuse for coming home at this time of the
Husband to wife: 'Golfing with friends, my dear.'
Wife to husband: 'What? At 2 am ?!'
Husband to wife: 'Yes, We used night clubs
Stress Reliever # 4
Interviewer to Millionaire: 'To whom do you owe your success as a
millionaire to?'
Millionaire: 'I owe everything to my wife.'
Interviewer: 'Wow, she must be some woman. What were you before you
married her?'
Millionaire: 'A Billionaire'
Stress Reliever # 5
Man to wife on wedding night: Are you sure I'm the first man you are
sleeping with?
Wife replied: Of course honey, I stayed awake with all the others!
Stress Reliever # 6
A wife asked her husband: What do you like most in me - my pretty face
or my sexy body?
He looked at her from head to toe and replied: I like your sense of
Stress Reliever # 7
Doctor to his lady patient: You look terribly weak and exhausted! Are
you having your meals three times a day as I have advised?
Lady replied: Doctor, I thought you said three males a day.
Stress Reliever # 8
A husband was asked: Do you talk to your wife after sex?
He replied: Depends, if I can find a phone.

Ain't you lucky for having a wife of yesteryears ?
As a former member of the Penang Bar and an ardent Penangite I am greatly saddened by the Penang Bar decision not to revive the YLC at State level.
I have the greatest respect for the views expressed by Sitham that we are all equal at the Bar and there shouldn't be barriers between junior and senior lawyers. I also appreciate that the Penang Bar is, perhaps, the oldest Bar in the country with some great traditions.
Nevertheless, I was a young lawyer in Penang when the Advocates & Solicitors Ordinance was still in force as the law regulating the profession. There was no "seven year rule" in force then under the law but the seniors ran everything even the sports. I remember when I played cricket for the Penang Bar a very senior Penang lawyer, the late Mr Jag-Jit Singh, was the captain though much of the organisation of the team was done by my fellow junior, K Kumaerandran. And, Mr Jag-Jit made all the decisions.
I attended nearly every Penang Bar function and played cricket and hockey for the Penang Bar, played badminton with a group of lawyers, magistrates and legal officers, and appeared in Court fairly often, and so, in a sense, came to know a lot of senior lawyers, both in Court, in the canteen and the sports field. But there was always the distance between us......respect, awe or what have you.
I wanted to contribute, to participate but there was not much for young lawyers to do in Bar matters. So, I had to turn to the immense civic life that Penang then had and ended up serving in the Committees of a drama group, The Penang Players, Consumers Association of Penang, Alliance Francaise Penang, The Penang Library, Apex Club Penang and others in the three years I was at the Penang Bar.
If only we had a Penang YLC then! How much richer my life at the Penang Bar would have been! Young people, young lawyers have more energy, time, and commitment and different interests, priorities,and needs. Let them have a group, a space they can call their own and where they can grow, inter-act, learn more about the Bar, and contribute to the community as lawyers.
I accept that I left the Penang Bar 35 years ago and many things have changed that I may not be aware of. But I have worked with the KL YLC and I have great respect for and pride in their many achievements. Human nature doesn't change that much. The hierarchical nature of our profession doesn't change much. The young will be young and the old will be old.
Penang prides itself on the motto "Penang Leads". I would appeal to the Penang Bar to think again and be with the leaders in the Bar in giving the YLC its due space and voice.
Thank you.
Haji Sulaiman Abdullah