The Star Word For The Month Of July Is NOBLE
NOBLE :Courageous leader, behaving in an Honest and Brave way of behaving that people admire. Apex Action is one that you do to help other people , rather than for yourself.
In UK,noble people usually have a title, Duke or Baroness.
In Apex, we recongised them with title,Life Governor,Lifer or Senior Apexian.
What is the right word to describe this person with title as below???
1) calling people names like low class prostitues,using 4 letters vulgar word and cursing.
2) Astounded by his arrogance...he thinks he is better and more important than other people.
3) Having a dinosaur mindset and trying to change the youth of today.
4) a word not in his Dictionary.
Penang Apexian always wish him well.
Answer : After the National Convention.Chairman : Jason Ang
Finemaster : Balan Menon
Attendance: Sr Apexian Victor Corbett, Mike Ong, Goh Ai Choo, Danny Tan,
Jane Chan, Lifer Andrew Ong, Gurmeet Singh, Lifer To ny Ng,
Terrie Loo, Balan Menon, Jason Ang, Angie Low, Jonathan Shoo
and Edward Mai.
Apology: Anthony Jayakumar, Ryan Tang & Amy Yeap.
1.0 Confirmation of Minutes
1.1 The 872nd Minutes held on 16/6/2010 were proposed for adoption by Jason Ang
and seconded by Danny Tan.
2.0 40th Installation Night on 17/7/10
2.1 Victor explained that all is in order. Each member shall bring a guest.
2.2 There will be free flow of liquor, gin and vine, at the courtesy of Victor, Tony
and Ai Choo. Beer coupon will be on sale.
2.3 President elect Jason Ang gave the line-up of his Team as follow;
Vice President/Blogger - Edward Mai
Secretary - Mike Ong
Treasurer - Danny Tan
Service Director - Victor Corbett
Sgt-At-Arm - Tony Ng
Bursary Directors - Balan Menon / Angie Low
IRO - Terrie Loo / Gurmeet Singh
Social Directors - Jane Chan / Ai Choo
Membership Directors - Amy Yeap / Andrew Ong
Dinner Notice Editor - Anthony Jayakumar
Supply House Co-Ordinator – Jonathan Shoo
3.0 35th National Convention
3.1 Victor, Mike Ong, Jason Ang, Edward Mai, Balan Menon, Terrie Loo, Danny
Tan, Tony Ng and Jane Chan are likely to attend.
3.2 Mike Ong reported that the Club’s Report is ready and will be emailed to Nat’l
Secretary asap. There will be a separate discussion on the National Awards to
bid for.
3.3 The members are in favour of Victor Corbett to stand for Nat Vice President
3.4 Balan Menon informed that Nat’l Board had sent him the itinerary for the
Convention from 6th to 8th August 2010. Victor will request NB to keep the
programme for 8th (Sunday) minimal for the outstation members to leave early.
4.0 Coming Mid-Term to be hosted by Apex Pg
4.1 Victor said he will try to get funds from the Tourism Ministry for the occasion.
4.2 Edward has put in the blogspot an alternative plan.
4.3 The members had yet to fix the date, most likely after the Chinese New Year.
5.0 Brain-storming session
5.1 Members discussed on possible fund-raising projects for the new term. Edward
talked about ticket sales with outlets, like McDonald’s, Old Town Cafes. Uncle
Tony suggested Treasure Hunts to Thailand while others say projects with
corporations, like banks.
5.2 Members said short-sleeve shirts with collar for males would suffice for dinner
meetings. However, long-sleeve shirts is a must if there are invited guests. In all
cases, collarless T-shirts, jeans or sandals are not allowed.
6.0 Other Matters
6.1 Uncle Tony reported that the Travel Funds stood at RM488.80 as at 7/7/10.
6.2 Fines collected : RM33.00.
6.3 Meeting was then adjourned, proposed by Andrew Ong & seconded by Danny .
Minutes Proposed by: ……… Seconded by:……… Prepared by: Mike Ong

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