4th -6th March 2011
National Mid-Term Meeting of Apex Clubs of Malaysia
5th March 2011
Grand Dinner--Celebrating 40 Years of Apex in Penang
Will be held at Vistana Hotel, Jalan Bukit Gambir,Penang.
Details posted in the Dinner Notice 878th............
What ApexPenang Blogspot said !!!
ApexPenang Blogspot Said......
People don't change. Deal with them as they are. Don't try to change others or expect them to change. " what you see is what you get "
Unconditional acceptance of others is the key to happy relationships.
ApexPenang Blogspot Said.........
The purpose of an organisation is to maximise individual strengths and make weakness Irreievant
ApexPenang Blogspot Said.........
When you are younger, you worry about what people think about you.
When you are older, you realise that no one was ever thinking about you at all.
ApexPenang Blogspot Said.........
The harder you try to force a relationship to work, the less successful it will be.
Relationships work best when you simply relax, be yourself,and enjoy the moment.
E-Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
Apexian Rex Trow: When my posting in Malaysia come to an end,I told my students my next
teaching desitination would be in Australia," the land down under "
On my final day, they presented me with a card. The carefully worded note read,
" Goodluck and happy journey to the under-world."
Apexian Victor Corbett : My wife and I were looking at painting in a gallery. One was of a beautiful nude woman with only a little foliage covering her private areas.
" Bad taste ," muttered my wife, and moved on. Not me. I lingered,transfixed, until I heard her shout," What are you waiting for -AUTUMN?"
A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.
The Doctor told him there is a simple, informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.
"Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."
That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens."
Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for Dinner?"
No response.
So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, "Honey, what's for dinner?"
Still no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey, what's for dinner?"
Again he gets no response.
So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away.
"Honey, what's for dinner?" Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind her. "Honey, what's for dinner?"
(I just love this).....
"Balan Menon , for the FIFTH time, CHICKEN!"
"Many girls like to marry a military man - he can cook, sew, and make beds and is in good health, and he's already used to taking orders."
"The bonds of matrimony are a good investment only when the interest is kept up."
"you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you are old."
Health tip.....
Red Bell Pepper. Everyone thinks citrus fruits corner the market on vitamin C but one red pepper has 2 to 3 times more vitamin C than an orange. Vitamin C keeps skin healthy because it helps protect us from the sun (which also means it’s an anti-ager) and it’s a key nutrient in collagen production, which keeps skin firm.
Avocado. This unsaturated, heart-healthy fat helps keep skin moist and it contains vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, which protects skin from aging.
Shrimp. This iron-rich protein helps us grow thick, shiny hair and strong nails while the zinc in shrimp is great for our skin.
Sweet Potato. Beta-carotene is important for new skin cell turnover and these have a ton.
Kale. This vegetable powerhouse is packed with both beta-carotene and vitamin C.
Wild Salmon. This fish is loaded with omega-3 fats, which keep toxins out of cells and allow good ingredients in.
Wheat Germ. Joy loves this excellent source of vitamin E and Zinc for its versatility. She suggests sprinkling some on yogurt or oatmeal in the morning. Mix wheat germ and whole wheat flour to bread chicken cutlets
Life In Malaysia........
Cutting lanes when we're driving. Mouthing off at other drivers. Burping durian breath. Keeping our handphones on at the movies and worse, talking really louldly on it. There's a lot to gripe about when we talk about Malaysians and their bad habits but there's much to make us smile. Packing a bottle of sambal belacan or bring along some cup noodles every time we go overseas, because foreign fare is unbearably bland. Recognising a fellow Malaysian far away from home when we can hear sentences finishing with a "lah". Bickering among ourselves but sticking up for each other when outsiders criticise us. Best of all, laughing at ourselves. In this land where we've lived freely for 53 years, we can all celebrate our Malaysian-ness, because deep down inside, we're all the same..... to be continued ......the next DN.
Life in Singapore ..
In Singapore , the majority of us live in Highly Dangerous Buildings(HDB), and most people have already got used to Paying and Paying(PAP).
Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt
(PUB). ?
If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig(PWD) and get more from you.
So what more can you do when you are in the Money Only Environment (MOE)?
With the current Mad Accounting System (MAS), you are forced to Pay the Sum Ahead (PSA), which will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB).
And forced to live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system. When you fall sick and happen to be admitted to a Money Operating Hospital(MOH).
You might be able to use your Cash Prior to Funeral (CPF) fund.
If you are out of luck, you may meet doctors who Never Use Heart (NUH) to treat you, and you will be Sure to Give up Hope(SGH).
To help ease the traffic, motorists have to pay Cash On Expressway(COE)...
If that doesn't help, they can always Eternally Raise Prices (ERP)on the roads.
If you don't own a car, you can always make a Mad Rush to the Train(MRT), OR get squashed in a bus Side By Side (SBS ).
Lastly, under all these pressures, there are not many places we can relax, not even the good old place we used to go because it has become So Expensive and Nothing To See Actually (SENTOSA)!!!
Dinner Notice 879th
Place : Jade Palace Restaurant ,Abd Sitte Lane,Penang.
Date : 6th Octorber 2010
Time : 7.30pm fellowship
Chairman : Gutmeet Singh
Finemaster : Terrie Loo
Attendance: Pres Jason Ang, Sr Apexian Victor Corbet, Jane Chan, Lifer Tony,
Amy Yeap, Anthony, Edward Mai, Mike Ong and Angie Low
Apology: Danny Tan, Ai Choo, Gurmeet, Jonathan Shoo, Balan Menon, Terrie
Loo and Lifer Andrew Ong
On Leave : Ryan Tang Guest: Mr Lee Kai Eng (email: kelee@art.net.my)
1.0 President’s welcoming address
1.1 President Jason hope that Mr Lee would soon apply to join Apex Pg.
2.0 Confirmation of Minutes
2.1 The 877th Minutes held on 1/9/10 was proposed for adoption by Edward Mai
and seconded by Angie Low.
3.0 Coming Mid-Term to be hosted by Apex Pg / 40th Anniversary landmark.
3.1 Edward has the information in the Apex Pg Blogspot, which included:-
i) Meeting Venue: Paradise Hotel, Tg Bungah
ii) Date : 25/2/2011 to 27/2/2011
iii) The charge, tentatively fixed RM150/= per registration will cover Pre-Social
( venue to be informed later ), Meeting materials, Gala Dinner at Languna
Ballroom Banquet with free flow of beer and 1 red wine per table.
iv) Hotel rates at RM180/= twin sharing deluxe studio suite with breakfast, roll
away bed at RM60/= per bed.
3.2 Edward suggested that the Apex 40th Anniversary Pavilion be located at the
entrance into Botanical Garden. Members agreed to seek the approval of the
relevant authorities.
4.0 Apex Pg ‘Bursary Fund’ stands at RM32K.
4.1 RM8,000/= with Victor to collect the full proceeds from
sales of Peugeot car . RM20k on the night of 40th Grand dinner.
4.2 Victor and Mike will write an appeal letter to a company , which had a budget of RM 4K for Apex Penang.
4.3 Mike Ong said the Charity Treasure Hunt within Penang Island, will be in April
2011. He will liaise with Paradigm Shifters. Proceeds will go into the Fund.
4.4 Members unanimously agreed that the Bursary Fund, with yearly contributions from ETF, will be used for students doing Higher Education, no more primary or secondary school children as in the past.
5.0 Adoption of inmates at Cheshire Home Foster Parents’ Day on 6/11/2010
5.1 Lifer Tony Ng and Mike Ong will each sponsor an inmate at RM360/= per year
whilst Jason and Victor Corbett will co-sponsor another. Apex Pg will also
sponsor one with Club Funds.
6.0 Other Matters
6.1 Fines Collection : RM25.00
6.2 Meeting was then adjourned, proposed by Victor & seconded by Amy Yeap.
Minutes Proposed by: ……… Seconded by:……… Prepared by: Mike Ong

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