National Mid-Term Meeting of Apex Clubs of Malaysia
5th March 2011
Grand Dinner--Celebrating 40 Years of Apex in Penang
VISTANA HOTEL, Jalan Bukit Gambir,Penang.
Dinner Notice 883
Place : Jade Palace Restaurant ,Abd Sitte Lane,Penang.
Date : 1st December 2010
Time : 7.30pm fellowship
Chairman : Victor Corbett
Finemaster : Tony Ng
Attendance: Pres Jason Ang, Sr Apexian Victor Corbett, Angie Low, Terrie Loo,
Lifer Tony Ng, Mike Ong, Amy Yeap, Jane Chan, Danny Tan and
Jonathan Shoo.
Apology: Balan Menon, Edward Mai, Anthony Jayakumar, Lifer Andrew Ong
Jacquelyn Soon and Ai Choo. On Leave : Ryan Tang
1.0 Confirmation of Minutes
1.1 The 881st Minutes held on 03/11/10 was proposed for adoption by Angie Low
and seconded by Terrie Loo.
2.0 Coming Mid-Term to be hosted by Apex Pg / 40th Anniversary landmark.
2.1 Mike Ong reported on behalf of Edward that the new venue is Vistana Hotel,
Jalan Bukit Gambir. The pre-social (on 4/3/2011) shall be by the poolside
while the Grand Dinner on 5/3/2011 at Ballroom has been booked for 45 tables.
Edward has made a RM3,000 deposit to the hotel and will work on the costing.
2.2 Victor asked to record his displeasure of the new venue and the change of date
to 4/3/2011 to 5/3/2011..
2.3 Victor will follow up with the relevant authorities for a site at the Speakers’
Corner, The Esplanade, for our 40th Anniversary landmark.
2.4 Apex Pg will sponsor 2 Indonesian Apexians to attend. Edward can home host
them. Apex Pg to bear the flight cost ex-Bali & Mid-Term fees. Edward had also
pledged earlier to further sponsor 7 Apexians from The Philippines.
3.0 Apex Pg ‘Bursary Fund’
3.1 Victor said that his appeal for RM4,000 donations is under consideration by his
3.2 The Charity Treasure Hunt is in April 2011. A mini-hunt on trishaw within the
Heritage Trail will be included to make it more exciting. The Hunt is targeted
to raise RM50,000, as earlier proposed by Prospexian Lee.
3.3 Angie Low will follow up with the Student Affairs Officer of Pg TAR College.
3.4 Members agreed to name the Fund: Apex Pg Education Fund.
4.0 Adoption of inmates at Cheshire Home Foster Parents’ Day on 6/11/2010
4.1 Pres Jason, Victor, Edward, Lifer Tony Ng, Jane Chan, Mike and Prospexian
Lee attended the function. The Guang Min press published the photograph of
Jason and Mike on stage to present cheque to Toh Puan, the Governor’s wife.
5.0 Other Directors’ Reports
5.1 Pg Apex Youth members were encouraged to accept Edward’s proposed
sponsorship to the Philippines Convention in May 2011. So far there is no
5.2 Members want to participate in the proposed trip from 2nd to 6th Dec 2010 to
Malacca for inmates of Job-Link. Edward to liaise with Malacca Central to host
a lunch for the entourage. Apex Pg will provide T-shirts while IRM other funds.
5.3 Reporting on behalf of Edward, Mike said Edward had enlisted 3 local youth
and 2 Australian youth to climb Mt Kinabalu and plant Apex flag there. A fund
raising would also be held.
6.0 Other Matters
6.1 Fines Collection : RM 14.00
6.2 Meeting was then adjourned, proposed by Terrie & seconded by Lifer Tony.
Minutes Proposed by: ……… Seconded by:……… Prepared by: Mike Ong
Student exchange, Hannah and Stephanie will be hosted by Apex Club of Penang ,13th-16th December 2010

Wanted : Your Laugh Lines.........Apexians...
Wife & Husband
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