National Mid-Term Meeting of Apex Clubs of Malaysia
5th March 2011
Grand Dinner--Celebrating 40 Years of Apex in Penang
VISTANA HOTEL, Jalan Bukit Gambir,Penang.

"As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped to shape Apex Club of Penang in a most significant way. We value our relationship with you and look forward to working with you in the year to come. We wish you a very happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and prosperity."
" Merry Christmas & Happy New Year "
Dinner Notice 884
Place : Jade Palace Restaurant ,Abd Sitte Lane,Penang.
Date : 15th December 2010
Time : 7.30pm fellowship
Chairman : Terrie Loo
Finemaster : Balan Menon
Attendance: Pres Jason Ang, Sr Apexian Victor Corbett, Angie Low, Terrie Loo,
Lifer Tony Ng, Mike Ong, Edward Mai, Jane Chan, Danny Tan,
Jonathan Shoo, Terrie Loo, Balan Menon, Anthony Jayakumar and
Prospexian Lee Kai Eng.
Apology: Gurmeet Singh, Ai Choo & Jacquelyn Soon On Leave : Ryan Tang
1.0 Amendment to Minutes
1.1 The new date of Mid-Term (point 2.2) was amended to: 4/3/2011 – 6/3/2011.
2.0 Confirmation of Minutes
2.1 The 882nd Minutes held on 17/11/10 was proposed for adoption by Angie Low
and seconded by Danny Tan.
3.0 Coming Mid-Term to be hosted by Apex Pg / 40th Anniversary landmark.
3.1 Terrie Loo did the costing and Edward proposed the following rates :-
i) Full Mid-Term Convention package @ RM180.00 per person.
ii) Grand Dinner alone – @ RM 100.00 per person or @ RM 700.00 per table
iii) Pre-social & Grand Dinner @ RM150.00 per person.
3.2 Pre-Social on 4/3/2011 is by poolside, Grand Dinner involving 45 tables is on
3.3 Hotel rates at Vistana is RM135.00 for Deluxe with breakfast for 1 person while
RM150.00 for twin sharing with breakfast for 2 persons.
3.4 Edward has made a RM3,000 deposit to the hotel.
3.5 Victor claimed that as 5/3/2011 is a Penang Race day, he would be unable to
attend the Mid-Term Meeting. Nevertheless, he would attend the Dinner.
3.6 Victor will follow up with the relevant authorities for a site at the Speakers’
Corner, The Esplanade, for our 40th Anniversary landmark.
3.7 Apex Pg will sponsor 2 Indonesian Apexians to attend. Edward can home host
them. Apex Pg to bear the air tickets ex-Bali & Mid-Term fees. Terrie will check
with Apexian Kate Huth the cost of the air tickets.
3.8 Edward also pledged to further sponsor 7 Apexians from The Philippines.
4.0 Apex Pg ‘Bursary Fund’
4.1 Victor is confident his Company will consider our appeal for RM4K donations.
4.2 The Charity Treasure Hunt is on 17 April 2011. A mini-hunt on trishaw within
The Heritage Trail will be included. The Hunt is targeted to raise RM50,000, as earlier proposed by Prospexian Lee.
4.3 Edward asked Mike Ong to prepare letters to appeal for sponsorship and prizes.
4.4 Angie Low explained that there is an eligible student at TAR. Members decided that a Committee be formed to set guidelines and rules before awards are given.
President Jason will obtain a sample of such guidelines for consideration.
4.5 Members agreed to name the Fund: Apex Pg Education Fund.
5.0 Other Directors’ Reports
5.1 There is no response from Apex Pg Youth to Philippines Conventions, next May.
5.2 Edward reported that Job-Link inmates are going to Cameron Highlands
instead of Malacca. Apex Pg will provide T-shirts and members can donate cash
to them as they need some funding. The group will leave on Friday & coming
back Saturday.
5.3 Edward explained he had commitments from 3 local youth & 2 Aussie youth to
climb Mt Kinabalu & plant Apex flag. A fund raising would also be held.
5.4 Edward informs about “Apex Youth Exchange Program- Perth 2 Singapore”.
Students Stephanie Meredith and Hannah Rogers will be home hosted by
Edward from 13/12/2010 to 15/12/2010. Itinerary as follow:-
i) 13/12/2010 – both will arrive from Malacca. Treat for them at E&O or Japanese food.
ii) 14/12/2010 – Dim Sum and tour to Inari factory. Lunch at Pineapple Restaurant, thereafter tour by Apex Pg Youth. Dinner treat by Victor.
iii) 15/12/2010 – Program by Apex Pg Youth. Attend Pg Apex Dinner Meeting.
iv) 16/12/2010 - Bon voyage to them, back to Singapore. Members welcomed to sponsor them air tickets.
5.5 Mike Ong informed that Apexian CS Naidu would be bringing some Apexians
from India to Penang in Mid-December. Angie Low will try to assist them rent a
place to stay in Batu Ferringhi.
6.0 Other Matters
6.1 Lifer Tony Ng said total Fines stood at RM425.80 @ 30/11/2010.
6.2 Fines Collection for the night: RM 37.00
6.2 Meeting was then adjourned, proposed by Balan & seconded by Terrie.
Minutes Proposed by: ……… Seconded by:……… Prepared by: Mike Ong
How to Break Up with a Nice Guy
Breaking up with a nice guy? Show him the same respect he's always given you by following seven key steps. They are ones that will make your decision less hurtful to him and preserve your reputation of being a sweet (fair) girl.
Step 1: Be serious.
Do you really want to part ways or just go on a date with another man? Before you play pretend with your boyfriend in order to test out a potential new lover, make sure you're serious. Don't treat your current sweetheart like a yo-yo that can be pulled back and forth into a relationship.
Step 2: Meet privately.
Break up with your nice guy face-to-face and in private. Invite him over or join him for a walk in a secluded park. Then, say your piece. By staying out of the limelight, you give him the opportunity to hear what you have to say without distraction and respond genuinely.
Step 3: Tell the truth.
Maintain your integrity when you split with your boyfriend by being honest. Avoid making up a story like you're moving out of the area to pursue a new career or have to devout all of your free time to caring for a sick relative. He'll know you're lying to him anyway and be insulted by your behavior. So, trust that he can handle the truth and give him the real reason behind your decision.
Step 4: Stay respectful.
When you break up with your nice guy, act courteous. The truth doesn't have to be brutal. Avoid using disrespectful labels like "poor lover" or "loser". These types of tags are hard for anyone to shake and can affect a person's future relationships. Plus, your view of your soon-to-be ex is subjective. The next woman might adore all of the attributes you hate about him.
Step 5: Act understanding.
After you tell your boyfriend that you want to move on, be understanding. He may react with anger, disbelief or stoicism. Many men do because they aren't socialized like women to be in touch with their feelings. Give him a boatload of compassion even if you think he should have seen that things weren't working out. Remember, one day, you might be on the other end of this type of situation and want the same consideration.
Step 6: Decline his services.
Unfortunately, some women who break up with nice guys keep them around afterwards only for personal gain. Don't resort to this type of foolishness. Although your ex-boyfriend might still be willing to come over and take out the trash, pay a few bills and do laundry, decline his help. Advise him to provide these services to another woman, one who loves him and is committed to him.
Step 7: Remain quiet (for a while).
Before you start spreading the word about your failed relationship, keep quiet for a while. Give your ex-boyfriend at least a week to fall into his new status. This way, when his boys start asking him about you, he can tell them first and not be ambushed by gossip.
Use these seven steps when you break up with your nice guy. Save your dirty tricks for a bad boy. You know, the dude who ran up your credit cards and slept with two of your girlfriends. Nice men are hard to find and you might want to rekindle your relationship in the future after you find out that he's the only man willing to treat you like a queen.
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