Please take note: Change of Date Tuesday,18th September 2012
"Change Apex Trend & Establish Youth Entrepreneurship"
" Apex Club of Penang is not static.
We need to change so that we can keep with the times.
Change when
change becomes necessary.
"Changing the Faces" can change nothing,
But "Facing the Change" can change everything. "
Dinner Meeting Year
18th September 2012
Place : May Garden Restaurant,Penang
Time : 7.30pm Fellowship
: 8.00pm Meeting
Chairman : Amy Yeap
Finemaster : Jane Chan
Sgt At Arms : Victor R Corbett
Time dateline : 7.30pm , 18th sept 2012
Nice Story - Father and Son !!!
An old man
was sitting with his 25-year old son in a train.
The train was about to leave the station.
All passengers were settling down on their seats.
As the train started its journey, the young man was filled with a lot of joy
He was
sitting on the window side.
He put out one hand and feeling the passing air. He
shouted, "Papa see
all trees are going behind".
The old man
smiled and admired his son's feelings.
Beside the young man, a couple was sitting and listening to all
the conversation between the father and son.
They were a
little awkward with the attitude of a 25-year old man behaving like a small
Suddenly the
young man once again shouted, "Papa see the pond
and animals. The clouds are moving with the train".
The couple
was watching the young man embarrassingly.
Now it started raining and some of the water drops touched the young man's
He was filled
with joy and he closed his eyes.
He shouted again," Papa
it's raining, water is
touching me, see papa".
The couple
couldn't help themselves and asked the old man.
"Why don't you visit the doctor and get treatment for your son?"
The old man calmly said,
"Yes, We are coming from the hospital
Today is the day my son got his eyesight for the first time in his life".
Moral: "Don't
draw conclusions until you know all the facts".
is the best medicine!!
A newly
married husband saved his wife's number on his mobile as "My life"
After one year of marriage he changed the number to "My
After 2 years of marriage he changed the number to "Home"
After 5 years of marriage he changed the number to "Hitler"
After 10 years of marriage he changed the number to "Wrong
You have two choices in life:
You can stay single and be miserable,
Or get married and wish you
were dead.
At a cocktail party, one woman said to another,
'Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?'
'Yes, I am. I married the wrong man.'
When a woman steals your husband,
is no better revenge than to let her keep him.
little boy asked his father,
'Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?'
Father replied, 'I don't know son, I'm still paying.'
A young son asked,
'Is it true Dad, that in some parts of Africa
a man doesn't know
his wife until he marries her?'
Dad replied, 'That happens in every country, son.'
If you want your spouse to listen and
pay strict attention to every word you say -- talk in your sleep.
Just think, if it weren't for marriage, men would go through life
thinking they had no faults at all.
First guy says, 'My wife's an angel!'
Second guy remarks, 'You're lucky, mine's still alive.'
'A Woman's Prayer’
Dear Lord, I pray for: Wisdom, To understand a man , To love and to
forgive him , And for patience, For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray
for Strength ....I'll just beat him to death'.
Husband and wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children.
A blind man joins them after a few minutes. When the bus arrives,
they find it overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able
to fit onto the bus.
So the husband and the blind man decide to walk. After a while, the
husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as
he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, 'Why don't you put a
piece of rubber at the end of your stick? That ticking sound is
driving me crazy.'
The blind man replies, 'If you had put a rubber at the end of YOUR stick,
we’d be riding the bus...... so shut the hell up.'
The Unreasonable Mother-in-law
One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a
Christmas gift...
The next year, I didn't buy her a gift.
When she asked me why, I replied,
"Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!"
And that's when the fight started...
The Unreasonable Wife
My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
while we were in bed.
I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to have Sex?'
'No,' she answered. I then said,
'Is that your final answer?'
She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, 'Yes..'
So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."
And that's when the fight started...
The Humour-less Wife
I took my wife to a restaurant.
The waiter, for some reason, took my order first.
"I'll have the rump steak, rare, please."
He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?"
"Nah, she can order for herself."
And that's when the fight started...
The Mis-informed Wife
My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and
she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at
a nearby table.
I asked her, "Do you know him?"
"Yes", she sighed,
"He's my old boyfriend.... I understand he took to drinking right after
we split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn't been sober
"My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on
celebrating that
And that's when the fight started...
The Dangeorus Wife
When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me
that I should get it fixed. But, somehow I always had something else to
take care of first, the shed, the boat, making beer.. Always something
more important to me. Finally she thought of a clever way to make her
When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass,
busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched
silently for a short time and then went into the house.. I was gone only
a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush. I said,
"When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the
The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp.
The Lazy Wife
My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, "What's on TV?"
I said, "Dust."
And that's when the fight started...
The Humourless Husband
Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and
slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the van,
and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was
blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio,
and discovered that the weather would be bad all day. I went back into
the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed.. I cuddled up
to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered,
"The weather out there is terrible."
My loving wife of 5 years replied, "And, can you believe my stupid
husband is out fishing in that?"
And that's when the fight started...
The well rounded Wife
My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.
She said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3
I bought her a bathroom scale.
And that's when the fight started...
The Soft Husband
After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social
The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's License to verify
my age.
I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home.
I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and
come back later.
The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'.
So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair.
She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and
she processed my Social Security application..
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the
Social Security office...
She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten
disability, too.'
And that's when the fight started...
The Masochistic Husband
My wife was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
She was not happy with what she saw and said to me, "I feel horrible; I
look old, fat and ugly.
I really need you to pay me a compliment.'
I replied, "Your eyesight's damn near perfect."
And that's when the fight started...
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