Dinner Meeting Year 2012

Time : 7.30pm Fellowship
: 8.00pm Meeting
Chairman : Danny Tan
Finemaster : Anthony Jayakumar
Sgt At Arms : Victor R Corbett
Time dateline : 7.30pm ,17th October 2012
Circular from National President of Apex Malaysia.
Dear Club Presidents and Secretaries,
I am pleased to forward herewith my 5th circular for your attention and
action.Club Presidents or Secretaries are requested to inform their club members and Lifers on the contents of this circular during their dinner meetings.
Dear All
Greetings and warm regards.
The National Board (NB) had held our 2nd
National Board meeting on the 15th September 2012.
We had perused and deliberated the Terms of Reference
(ToR), which was circulated by PNP Apxn K. Thavanesan on behalf of the Special
Committee (SC) to all Clubs on the 4th September 2012.
We had also taken into account the comments and
feedback from various Clubs as regards the ToR.
It was concluded that generally the SC had done good work, which would be beneficial to
the positive growth and development of Apex in Malaysia in future.
The National Board thank the SC for the invaluable time taken to draw up the
ToR. We appreciate the SC in their endeavours to strengthen Apex in
I have appended below the opinions, views and
feedbacks from the National Board Officials and also the responses from the various
Clubs and our fellow Apexians, in no particular order, for the SC’s perusal :
Comment 1
The Special Committee
(SC) was set up as a result of the following motion passed at the 37th National
Convention of the Apex Clubs of Malaysia held on 4 August 2012:
“That the incoming
National Board be directed to appoint, under Article 10.1 of the Constitution,
a committee to oversee the development of Apex Clubs of Malaysia and to report
to the delegates at the next Mid Term Meeting and Annual Convention.
In the
first part of the motion, the incoming
National Board is directed to appoint a committee under Article 10.1 of
the National Constitution, which is conflicting with the second part of the
If this motion is
approved, the delegates appoint 3 senior members of Apex Malaysia to hold such
position until the next National Convention.
In the
second part, it says that the delegates
appoint 3 senior members, which is contradicting with the Article 10.1
of the National Constitution.
Apxn Dr G.
Ramarau is not a senior member, whereby he is a young Apexian, albeit a good
one and currently holding the post of Club President of the Apex Club of Sungei
Petani. He has served only at club level
but NOT national level. As such, his
exposure to Apex Malaysia is limited.
They shall within 4
weeks, produce a terms of reference which would be identical to duties and
responsibilities as engrossed in Article 8 of National Constitution for the
avoidance of doubt.
This was
not part of the motion adopted by the delegates, and I quote the late motion
mooted by the Apex Clubs of Damansara and Klang which was “which would be identical to duties and responsibilities as engrossed in
Article 8 of National Constitution for the avoidance of doubt”.
Article 8
of the National Constitution, i.e. the National Board Officials and their executive
functions, was excluded.
The appointed
committee mentioned above shall have the power to expand the terms of
reference, if necessary.”
1. Purpose
The core purpose of
the SC is to work with the National Board (NB) and Apex Clubs in Malaysia as a support
function to improve the current status of Apex in the country through:
Attending and creating
Club dinner meetings with positive outcomes
Assisting Clubs in
recruiting new, young and professional members
We need to
know how does the SC propose to recruit these prospective members? What is the action plan?
Supporting Apex Clubs’
community service activities by attending 1 or 2 of their service projects each
How the SC
will help to improve the status of the Clubs in Apex Malaysia on the above
criteria which is very brief. Is there any plan or help that will assist club
and NB to know the clear approach?
Assisting the NB to
plan for the year ahead and monitor its progress
It is the
job of the NB officials to plan its progress and to report to the delegates at
the Mid-term or National Convention and NOT the SC.
Providing support to
the NB including assistance in drafting circulars, report
Again, this
should be the job of the NB officials to write their own circulars and reports.
Ensuring that the
significant requirements of the Constitution of the Apex Clubs of Malaysia are
met and providing advice on them, where appropriate.
2. Membership
The membership of the
SC will comprise:
Apexian T. Ganeson of
Klang Club - Chairman
Apexian Dr G Ramarau
of Sg Petani Club – Secretary and
Senior Apexian Dr
Mohanadas of KL Club - member.
3. Process
3.1 The National President (NP) through the
National Board (NB) must identify Clubs that need assistance in 1 or more of
the areas specified in 1. Above
The SC, as
senior members of Apex Malaysia, should identify and recommend to the NP and
the NB these Clubs and NOT the other way around. The SC was duly appointed and they should
provide the necessary support to the NB and not vice versa.
3.3 SC will from time to time appoint and/or
co-opt active members of the Association including Life Governors and Life
Members to serve in the SC for its duration and/ or for a specific period
and/or for a specific task and further seek the assistance of Clubs to assist them if necessary to
implement any of its task
The SC
should get to the ground immediately to identify the weakness in the
Association and co-opt and identify the required additional members in the SC.
3.4 The NB may subsidise the cost of travel and
accommodation if the SC members are financially unable to meet the said costs
Even “all
National Board Officers shall serve without remuneration”, per Article
8.10 of the National Constitution. NO
budget allocation was approved by the delegates at the last Convention.
3.5 At least 1 SC member must attend a Board
Meeting of the selected Club at least once every two (2) consecutive meetings
dinner meetings is acceptable but NOT the Club Board meetings. The Clubs do not
report to the SC BUT to the NB.
The SC may
attend the Club Board meetings upon invitation by the Clubs.
3.6 In accordance with Article 10.4 of the
National Constitution, the Chairman must be invited to all NB meetings and
either he or his delegated member must attend it. The SC’s agenda item, if any,
should be deliberated and the Chairman be tasked with the additional
responsibility of giving all clubs a brief of the discussions and the outcome,
whether accepted or not
accordance with the Article 10.4 of the National Constitution, “the
Chairman of any National Association Appointed Committee shall attend meetings
of the National Board as and when required by the National Board”
and NOT all meetings. The NB has separate administrative matters to
discuss/deliberate and not devote their time on SC matters only.
The SC may be invited to present their reports
on the progress of the SC from time to time.
3.7 The SC must present a comprehensive and
impartial report on the selected clubs and the NB at the Midterm Meeting and
the National Convention
The SC must
identify the selected club and submit their findings during the Mid-term and
the National Convention.
PNP Apxn T.
Ganeson in his notes presented to the representatives of the Apex Malaysia NB
on the 14th August 2012 at the Royal Selangor Club, Bukit Kiara,
Kuala Lumpur, has identified the Clubs, except for the omission of Apex Club of
Sungei Petani.
4 Measurement
The National President
is to set simple achievable targets for the selected Clubs in membership,
dinner meetings and service activities to be reviewed at the Midterm Meeting
and the National Convention
This job
should be done by the SC, as claimed by certain parties that the NB is “weak and ineffective”.
Clubs that achieve
these targets are to be recognised through trophies / souvenirs / certificates
at the National Convention.
PNP Apxn T. Ganeson’s notes :
The Apex
Club of Sungai Petani was omitted in any of the zone groups. Why is that so?
criteria were used to map out the zone groups?
Comment 2
We are puzzled on receiving the 'Terms of References' from the so-called
Special Committee.
The delegates of Apex Club of Kuala Lumpur were totally not in favour of
this suddenly formed Special Committee and we demonstrated our disfavour from
voting during the National Convention.
We are only subjected to the National Board and not to any body else.
Members of Apex Kuala Lumpur are extremely capable of taking care of our
affairs and as such we do not require any third party to interfere in our
club's affairs.
Right now we are totally involved in organising a very successful
National Convention.
At last convention, the delegates adopted the motion excluding Article
Comment 3
The Special Committee
(SC) was set up as a result of the following motion passed at the 37th National
Convention of the Apex Clubs of Malaysia held on 4 August 2012:
“That the incoming National Board be directed
to appoint, under Article 10.1 of the Constitution, a committee to
oversee the development of Apex Clubs of Malaysia and to report to the
delegates at the next Mid Term Meeting and Annual Convention.
this clause, the National Board is directed to appoint a committee which is
conflicting with the second part of this motion.
If this motion is
approved, the delegates appoint
Earlier part of this motion, it
says The Incoming National Board be directed to appoint but in this second
part, it says delegates appoint which is contradicting with constitution under
Article 10.1
3 senior members of Apex Malaysia
The three Senior Members of Apex
Malaysia appointed by delegates during the convention. Dr Rama Rao is not a
Senior Member whereby he was only in Apex Sg Petani for less than 5 years and
currently holding the post of Club President. He cannot be considered as Senior
Member as his exposure to Apex Malaysia is questionable.
to hold such position until the next National
Convention. They shall within 4 weeks,
produce a terms of reference (which
would be identical to duties and responsibilities as engrossed in Article 8 of
National Constitution for the avoidance of doubt.) This is not part of the motion adopted by the delegates.
The appointed committee mentioned above shall have the power to expand the
terms of reference, if necessary.”
1. Purpose
The core purpose of
the SC is to work with the National Board (NB) and Apex Clubs in Malaysia as a
support function to improve the current status of Apex in the country through:
Attending and creating
Club dinner meetings with positive outcomes
Assisting Clubs in
recruiting new, young and professional members
Supporting Apex Clubs’
community service activities by attending 1 or 2 of their service projects each
Assisting the NB to
plan for the year ahead and monitor its progress
support to the NB including assistance in drafting circulars, report
that the significant requirements of the Constitution of the Apex Clubs of
Malaysia are met and providing advice on them, where appropriate.
2. Membership
The membership of the
SC will comprise:
Apexian T. Ganeson of
Klang Club - Chairman
Apexian Dr G Ramarau
of Sg Petani Club – Secretary and
Senior Apexian Dr
Mohanadas of KL Club - member.
3. Process
3.1 The National President (NP) through the
National Board (NB) must identify Clubs that need assistance in 1 or more of
the areas specified in 1. Above
Since a special committee as
above is already established why should the national board has to work for the
committee? In my opinion, the committee, as senior members of Apex Malaysia,
should identify and recommend to NP and not the other way around.
3.3 SC will from time to time appoint and/or
co-opt active members of the Association including Life Governors and Life
Members to serve in the SC for its duration and/ or for a specific period
and/or for a specific task and further seek the assistance of Clubs to assist them if necessary to
implement any of its task.
The SC should get to the ground
immediately to identify the weakness in the Association and co-opt and identify
the required additional members in the SC committee.
3.4 The NB may subsidise the cost of travel and
accommodation if the SC members are financially unable to meet the said costs
No subsidy as the current SC
Members are financially sound.
3.5 At least 1 SC member must attend a Board
Meeting of the selected Club at least once every two (2) consecutive meetings
No comments as this requires the
approval of the individual clubs
3.6 In accordance with Article 10.4 of the
National Constitution, the Chairman must be invited to all NB meetings and
either he or his delegated member must attend it. The SC’s agenda item, if any,
should be deliberated and the Chairman be tasked with the additional
responsibility of giving all clubs a brief of the discussions and the outcome,
whether accepted or not.
The article says “may be”
invited to NB meetings and not all NB meetings. The NB has separate
administrative matters to discuss / deliberate and not devote their time on SC
matters .If it is not accepted, why must they deliberate?
3.7 The SC must present a comprehensive and
impartial report on the selected clubs and the NB at the Midterm Meeting and
the National Convention.
The SC must identify the
selected club and submit their findings during mid-term and national
4 Measurement
The National President
is to set simple achievable targets for the selected Clubs in membership,
dinner meetings and service activities to be reviewed at the Midterm Meeting
and the National Convention
Again, this job is to be done by
SC as everyone is claiming the NB is weak and ineffective.
Clubs that achieve
these targets are to be recognised through trophies / souvenirs / certificates
at the National Convention.
Although, the motion was rushed and bulldozed
through as late motion at the convention without much time given to analyse,
deliberate and discuss at the club level, we request all clubs to revisit the
motion and the ToR carefully with your qualification on all the above
Comment 4
Perused below are some
pointers only for your eyes. With reference to para 3.6 quoting Article 10.4 of
the Nat. Constitution they say that the Chairman must be invited to all NB Meetings.
Quote Article 10.4
The Chairman of any
National Association appointed committee shall attend meetings of the NB as and when required by the NB.
Take note of Article
8.10 of the NC (Handbook). If you all serve without remuneration then the same
goes to appointed committees.
Also take note the NB
members have the right to go through the Terms of reference and the following
decision could be taken.
Accept it in TOTO
Accept with
Seek approval from
delegates at an EGM which may be convened along the Mid Term.
d) Reject the entire proposal as 10.0 says may from time appoint Nat Assoc
Appt Comm as they consider necessary
and fit.
In conclusion, the
Terms of Reference to me looks as though the special committee instructs the NB
what to do and it may be eventually controlling future National Boards just
like the Business Manager those days who took over the NVP’s editorial.
Comment 5
As far as I see it, there is no 1 Sept dateline. With regards
to terms of reference [TOR] in K. Thavanesan's email he is acting on behalf of
T. Ganeson who requested your assistance in getting Nat Sec, Jane to circulate
TOR to all club presidents and members for their info. It's ok to do it. If NB wants to feel safe NB can add on a
clause to say the tentative draft of TOR is attached for their info and vetting
through. I wouldn’t envisage much comments except maybe of items 3.4
to 3.6. Going through the TOR in details let me dissect it. There
are 3 main points :
1] Purpose:
Principally to help NB in creating conducive club meetings with positive
outcomes ' assisting club in recruiting and support Apex community service
activities. ALL The points under Purpose are positive and it's
for the betterment of Apex, but must provide action plan.
2] Membership:
3] Process
3.1] NP/NB must identify clubs that need assistance
3.3] Co- opt LG or active life members who can help will surely
lessen the burden of the existing 3 SC members.
{If NB don’t feel comfortable about this, then put in a clause to say
incoming members subject to approval of NB. SO this should be OK.
3.4] NB may subsidise SC members who are not financially sound.
{This is very subjective as it depends on the availability of funds. As
far as I see it most SC members are financially sound.
3.5] At least 1 SC member must attend a board meeting of selected
club at least ONCE every 2 consecutive meetings.
{Look at it whereby the grey clubs offer to invite them if the club
concerned is sincere in building Apex.
3.6] In accordance with Article 10.4 of Nat Constitution, the chairman
must [maybe change
must to would] be invited to all NB meetings.
{eg Inviting T. Ganeson- I think it's ok. There is more
input to gain from him. He alone can’t override the whole NB. It's no harm. If NB doesn’t feel comfortable
then you can specifically not discuss sensitive issues in
his presence. Surely NB can choose to discuss matters only
relating to TOR in their presence. If you are to hold meetings outstation he
will definitely feel the strain. If the meeting is in north, he may not be able
to attend and Dr Ramarau would probably be ask to standby.
3.7] Ok
Comment 6
I have gone through Term of Reference. The aims are far fetched and
almost unattainable. For example when the Clubs are starved of new membership,
the SC can "assist Clubs in recruiting new, young and professional
members." How can they assist when they in an unfamiliar territory and do
not know any of that caliber at our Club level.
Their 1st Purpose is : "Attending and creating Club dinner meetings
with positive outcome" Their attendance at these Dinner Meeting should be
purely advisory - not assertive.
The other observation is that the implementation will make the task of
the National President more demanding and taxing. The extra strain of
traveling and attendance at meetings and Dinner Meeting in different
locations, may discourage one to take up the post in the future. Mind you-
this is voluntary and we have our bread and butter to look into.
The composition of the SC must be "3 senior members of Apex
Malaysia." It is interesting to note that a member from the SC is
indeed a green horn!
If we are able to implement the Terms of Reference fully, then we
may take Apex Malaysia to greater heights to the level of other world
recognized voluntary service-oriented Clubs. This, I take it with a grain
of salt.
Comment 7
I have sent you the following comments on the terms of reference of the
Committee of 3:-
1. Attending & creating club dinner meetings with positive
- O.K.
2. Assisting clubs in recruiting new, young and professional
- O.K.
3. Supporting Apex Clubs' community service activities by
attending 1 or 2 of their service projects each quarter.
- O.K.
4. Assisting the N.B. to plan for the year ahead and monitor its
- O.K.
5. Providing support to the N.B. including assistance in drafting
circulars & reports.
- This should not be accepted as circulars and reports ought to be
done by N.B. officials as they are all qualified to do so.
6. Ensuring that the significant requirements of the constitution
of Apex Malaysia are met and providing advice on them, where appropriate.
- This is vague and not accepted as the national officials can do
the same.
Under 'Process':
1. The N.P. through the N.B. must identify clubs that need assistance
in 1 or more of the areas specified in 1 above.
- This is O.K.
2. SC will from time to time appoint and / or coopt active members
of the Association including L.G's & L.M's to serve in the SC for its
duration and / or for a specific period and / or for a specific task and
further seek the assistance of clubs to assist them if necessary to implement
any of its tasks.
- This is not specified in the motion and therefore ought not be
3. The NB may subsidise the cost of travel and accommodation if
the SC members are financially unable to meet the said costs.
- This is to be discussed as it concerns finance.
4. At least 1 SC member must attend a board meeting of the
selected club at least once every two consecutive meetings.
- This is not a MUST and it depends on the club concerned as
clubs have known to have closed-door sessions.
5. In accordance with Article 10.4 of the National constitution,
the Chairman must be invited to all NB meetings and either he or his delegated
member must attend it. The SC's agenda item, if any, should be
deliberated and the Chairman be tasked with the additional responsibility of
giving all clubs a brief of the discussion and the outcome, whether accepted or
- There should be no mention of MUST BE INVITED, and this is
entirely up to the discretion of the N.B.
6. The SC must present a comprehensive and impartial report on the
selected clubs and the NB at the Mid-term Meeting and the National
- O.K.
Under 'Measurement'
It is not the National President who is to set targets but the whole
N.B. and this is being done by the officials concerned.
Comment 8
The Special Committee
(SC) was set up as a result of the following motion passed at the 37th National
Convention of the Apex Clubs of Malaysia held on 4 August 2012:
“That the incoming
National Board be directed to appoint, under Article 10.1 of the Constitution,
a committee to oversee the development of Apex Clubs of Malaysia and to report
to the delegates at the next Mid Term Meeting and Annual Convention. ( In this
clause, the National Board is directed to appoint a committee which is
conflicting with the second part of the motion.)
If this motion is
approved, the delegates appoint ( Earlier part of this motion, it says the Incoming
National Board be directed to appoint but in this part, it says delegates
appoint which is contradicting with constitution under article 10.1 )
3 senior members of Apex Malaysia to hold such position until the next National
( Dr Ramarau is not a senior member whereby he was with Apex Club of Petani for
less than 5 years and currently holding the post of club President. His
exposure to Apex Malaysia is questionable. Sorry, not to belittle him. My
respect. )
They shall within 4
weeks, produce a terms of reference which would be identical to duties and
responsibilities as engrossed in Article 8 of National Constitution for the
avoidance of doubt. The appointed
committee mentioned above shall have the power to expand the terms of
reference, if necessary.” This is not part of the motion adopted by the delegates
and we are not in favour.
1. Purpose
The core purpose of
the SC is to work with the National Board (NB) and Apex Clubs in Malaysia as a
support function to improve the current status of Apex in the country through:
Attending and creating
Club dinner meetings with positive outcomes
Assisting Clubs in
recruiting new, young and professional members
Supporting Apex Clubs’
community service activities by attending 1 or 2 of their service projects each
Assisting the NB to
plan for the year ahead and monitor its progress
Providing support to
the NB including assistance in drafting circulars, report
that the significant requirements of the Constitution of the Apex Clubs of
Malaysia are met and providing advice on them, where appropriate.
2. Membership
The membership of the
SC will comprise:
Apexian T. Ganeson of
Klang Club - Chairman
Apexian Dr G Ramarau
of Sg Petani Club – Secretary and
Senior Apexian Dr
Mohanadas of KL Club - member.
3. Process
3.1 The National President (NP) through the
National Board (NB) must identify Clubs that need assistance in 1 or more of
the areas specified in 1. Above (Is the National Board reporting to SC? What a joke. The
SC, so called senior members of Apex Malaysia, should identify and recommend to
NP and not the other way around.)
3.3 SC will from time to time appoint and/or
co-opt active members of the Association including Life Governors and Life
Members to serve in the SC for its duration and/ or for a specific period
and/or for a specific task and further seek the assistance of Clubs to assist them if necessary to
implement any of its task. (The SC should get to the ground immediately to
identify the weakness in the Association and co-opt and identify the required
additional members in the SC committee)
3.4 The NB may subsidise the cost of travel and
accommodation if the SC members are financially unable to meet the said costs (No subsidy as
the current SC members should be financially sound and NO budget allocation
being approved by the delegates.)
3.5 At least 1 SC member must attend a Board
Meeting of the selected Club at least once every two (2) consecutive meetings (attending
dinner meeting is OK but NOT the club Board meeting. The club do not report to
the SC)
3.6 In accordance with Article 10.4 of the
National Constitution, the Chairman must be invited to all NB meetings and
either he or his delegated member must attend it. The SC’s agenda item, if any,
should be deliberated and the Chairman be tasked with the additional
responsibility of giving all clubs a brief of the discussions and the outcome,
whether accepted or not. ( the article 10.4 says “maybe” invited to NB meetings
and NOT all meeting.The NB has separate administrative matters to
discuss/deliberate and not to devote their time on SC matters, )
3.7 The SC must present a comprehensive and
impartial report on the selected clubs and the NB at the Midterm Meeting and
the National Convention. (The SC must identify the selected club and submit
their findings during the Mid-term and National Convention.)
4 Measurement
The National President
is to set simple achievable targets for the selected Clubs in membership,
dinner meetings and service activities to be reviewed at the Midterm Meeting
and the National Convention ( this job is to be done by the SC, as claim that the NB
is weak and ineffective.)
Clubs that achieve
these targets are to be recognised through trophies / souvenirs / certificates
at the National Convention.
Apexian T. Ganeson Notes.
# When Apexian T. Ganeson was
bestowed the title Lifer by the National Association Of Apex Clubs of Malaysia?
Only senior Apex.
# Apex Club of Sungai Petani is
# A Club with a minimum 15
members only can be consider as so called “right Zone” and must be consistence
for the past 3 years.
# We believe “walk the talk”,
get the job done and promote it.
Comment 9
1. Purpose
The core purpose of the SC is to work with the
National Board (NB) and Apex Clubs in Malaysia as a support function to improve
the current status of Apex in the country through:
Attending and creating Club dinner meetings with
positive outcomes
Clubs can
invite the SC for their dinner meetings INSTEAD of SC attending or creating
dinner meetings.
Assisting Clubs in recruiting new, young and
professional members
How does the SC plan to recruit
these new members?
Supporting Apex Clubs’ community service activities by
attending 1 or 2 of their service projects each quarter
How can the
SC’s attendance help to improve the status of the Clubs in Apex Malaysia?
Assisting the NB to plan for the year ahead and
monitor its progress
It is the
job of the NB officials to plan its progress and to report to the delegates at
the Mid-term or National Convention and NOT the SC.
Providing support to the NB including assistance in
drafting circulars, report
Again, this
should be the job of the NB officials to write their own circulars and reports.
Ensuring that the significant requirements of the
Constitution of the Apex Clubs of Malaysia are met and providing advice on
them, where appropriate.
Comment 10
After reading the Terms of Reference (TOR), I
would like to highlight that Article 8 was taken out before the motion was
There are several questions ??? in the Preamble
of the TOR.
It appears like NB is been told to do
this and that. Is that how it works? Then why have a National Board?
Sorry to say that.
Comment 11
Read your mail on the 'terms of reference' and I agree with you on what
you have said. All matters must go through the NB for deliberations before they
are circulated. The committee was appointed by the Nat. Convention.
I have read the TOR feel that some of the items does not compute. I
leave that with the NB to discuss.
For all intentions the SC meant well, I suppose. Maybe a slip-up.
Please have a discussion with all concerned parties.
Comment 12
Personally, I agree with what KL Club had said
in their missive.
The delegates from Malacca agreed to the motion
as it was spelt out, minus Article 8 at the Convention.
The committee is only to assist the NB to prop
up Apex in Malaysia, not countermand nor commandeer the NB.
Nothing else!
Comment 13
I too disagree with the manner in which the special committee has
prepared and sent out the terms of reference to all clubs.
Firstly, this committee should have waited for the National Board to
deliberate at their meeting and agree with the terms of reference. After
that only can the terms of reference be circulated by the National Board.
Secondly, the special committee must act strictly on their own and not
get anyone else to act for them in circulating whatever they intend to do so.
Thirdly, the motion passed at the national convention should be noted
very carefully in terms of essence and the language used.
I hope the national board will deliberate fully at their meeting
scheduled for this weekend in Malacca and come to an appropriate decision how
to act further on this issue.
Comment 14
At the recent 37th
National Convention of Apex Malaysia miracle has happened, the sudden formation
of a Special Committee to oversee the
‘weak and fragile National Board’ under the leadership of Apexian Stephanie Chee. Well this was how the Special Committee
fellows bull-dozed a Special Committee to monitor the function of the National Board”. This so called
Special Committee would be another
The idea suddenly
came during the happy hours at the Friday’s Pre-Social. It was good!!! If we
are really keen to save Apex from its extinction the savers of Apex must have
planned much earlier. Send the motion with copies extended to all clubs and
past members to ponder and discuss. Request the National Board to table this
motion during the Business Hours. Or during the Mid Term Meeting spend the
whole day to deliberate the motion and get back to save or to kill APEX.
peculiarity of Apexians when National Board requests for nomination for the
various office bearers no one is interested to serve the National Board or give
a helping hand but ever ready to bash the National Board Officials on their
failures. The National Board Officials are weak because Apex is weak. Apexians are weak and as result the National
Board is weak. My advice is to my friends who are constitutional experts go to
the grass root and help the clubs from the basic.
Now this Special
Committee needs finance from the National Board. Where is the Budget? Did they
propose a budget proposal? At one National Convention a certain club tabled a
resolution to decrease the per capita to RM 10.00. Is it logic and practical?
Now they need funds to operate! Can the National Association with a total
income of RM 1,200.00/year able to administer (basing on 120 members)? The
National Board cannot survive on fresh water and sun shine. They need money.
Let me cite an
example of the frightening Task Force
formed in the early 90s to reactivate the dying Apex Association. Almost every club in the country took their
hats off and became a little scary of the Task Force’s dynamic approach and
policy. Regretfully what happened, this Task Force eventually became a One Man Show, just reporting some stale
tale at National Meetings. What the Task Force failed to understand that they
needed to address the grass root problems of Apexians and this special Task
Force must have taken the initiative to visit weaker clubs and assist them to
rebuild. As time went on it became so glaring that this Task Force was a waste and it was formed only to portray one’s ego.
the end it just disappeared and died
at its infancy.
Later they were
numerous motivational talks by experts, seminars and workshop but Apexians as
usual did not take home these pointers. Every
move was a failure. It was the resolution to abolish the age limit that saved Apex till now.
Comment 15
I cannot understand how the Special Committee was
elected (and not appointed) in the haste during the Convention in Malacca.
I did not agree in the first place due to the SC
having the vested power of the NB or NP.
Comment 16
The NB appreciates the Clubs’ and Apexians’ observations on the
above and please feel free to give your comments to the NB and to the SC for
the development and future of APEX
The SC should take into consideration the feedback and comments
above and proceed accordingly.
That’s all for the moment and best wishes to you all.
National President 2012/2013
National Service Director
National Association
of Apex Clubs of Malaysia

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