Chairman : Balan Menon
Fines Master : To be decided on the spot !!!
Attendance: President Balan Menon, Victor Corbett, Mike Ong, Lifer Andrew
Ong, Lifer Tony Ng, Jason Ang, Edward Mai, Angie Low &
Prospexian Danny Tan
Apologies: Jane Chan, Terrie Loo, Ai Choo, Gurmeet Singh & Anthony.
1.0 Members congratulated Prospxn Ryan on his marriage with Fanne on 15/11/09.
2.0 Charity Car Wash
2.1 Victor will further discuss with car wash centre in Tg Bungah to include MPV.
2.2 Project is scheduled for January 2010.
3.0 Cheshire Home – Foster Parents’ Day
3.1 Victor, Lifer Tony Ng, Jason Ang, Jane Chan & Mike Ong attended function on
14/11/09. Apex Pg sponsored 4 inmates at a total of RM1,440/=.
4.0 Ramakrishnan Orphanage Lunch
4.1 Victor reported that 49 kids and helpers attended. On hand to treat them were
Victor & Leeza, Lifers Tony and Andrew, Jane, Jason and Terrie.
4.2 A total of 5 tables were taken and Apexians foot the cost for one table.
4.3 Lifer Andrew made a RM100 on the spot donation to the Orphanage.
4.4 The cost of hiring the bus to ferry the kids of RM80 was shared by Tony(RM30),
Edward(RM30) and Victor(RM20). Lifer Tony to provide photos of function.
5.0 Bursary Awards for the 2 orphans in Balik Pulau
5.1 Victor Corbett and Mike Ong to finalise the appeal letter.
6.0 Other Charity/Community Projects
6.1 There was much discussion on the RM200 (from Apex Pg) and RM100 (from
Edward Mai) pledged to Jireh Home. Members decided to go ahead with pledge.
6.2 Edward had donated 35,000 pesos to Leganes 45 of The Philippines to erect a
clock tower as their service project. Members supported Edward’s idea that
Apex Pg can do likewise in Penang. Victor will look around for a suitable clock.
7.0 Northern Region Social Night on 5/12/09
7.1 Victor to plan and invite SP Club and National President/ members to this
occasion at Starview Restaurant, New World Park, Burmah Road at 7.30pm.
7.2 Among the itinerary is the induction of Danny Tan as a member of Apex Pg.
7.3 As the function is very close to usual first Wednesday meeting, that meeting on
3/12/09 has been scrapped.
8.0 Per Capita for 2009/2010
8.1 Victor, Leeza, Lifer Tony, Jason, Balan and Edward had paid their per capita.
The payments by Edward, Jason, Lifer Tony and Balan are with Lifer Tony.
8.2 President Balan advised the other members to pay up at the next meeting.
9.0 General
9.1 Fines collection of RM16.00.
Meeting adjourned at 9.30pm, proposed by Jason & seconded by Angie.
Minutes Proposed by: ……… Seconded by:……… Prepared by: Mike Ong

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