The other side of .....
Your wife is not like your mother
I REFER to “We reap what we sow in a marriage” (The Star, Dec 7). If men have “carnal needs”, so do women. The only difference is that women are naturally more shy and considerate in asking for sex.
I am sorry to say that many men have failed to grow up and expect to be served by their wives as they were served by their mothers.
But your wife is not like your mother, because you never expect your mother to give you sex.
Men need to understand that good sex must be worked at, and they must make half the effort if not more.
Wife is a HARIMAU ............
Girlfriend is HARI HARI MAHU
And some say:
Wife is like TV , Girlfriend is like Handphone (HP)
At home watch TV , Go out bring HP .
No money, sell TV . Got money change HP .
Sometimes enjoy TV but most of the time play with HP .
TV free for life but HP, if you don't pay, the services will be terminated .
TV is big , bulky and most of the time old but HP is cute, slim, curvy and very portable at any time.
Operational cost for TV is often acceptable but for HP is high and often demanding .
Most Important, TV got remote but HP don't have .
Last but not least.......
TV do not have virus but HP have VIRUS ......
Once get it, HABIS LAH.
If Columbus had been married, he might never have discovered America, because he would have had to answer all the following questions and listen to such dramatic statements:
Where are you going?
With whom?
How are you going?
To discover what?
Why only you?
What do I do when you are not here?
Can I come with you?
When will you be back?
Will you be home for dinner?
What will you bring for me?
You deliberately made this plan without me, didn't you?
You seem to be making a lot of these programs lately...
Answer me why?
I want to go to my mother's house.
I want you to drop me there.
I don't want to come back ever!
What do you mean, OK?
Why aren't you stopping me?
I don't understand what this whole 'discovery' thing is about.
You always do things like this.
Last time also you did the same thing!
Nowadays you always seem to do this kind of stuff.
I still don't understand what else is left to be discovered!
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