I have been notified by Kate, the National IRO of Apex Australia that they are inviting applications from each Apex countries to have nominations for the above founders fund travel.
This does not need to be for the Mass Tour in Queensland from 6th – 18th January 2011. But the successful traveller will be hosted by one of the State Conventions from March – June 2011 since Apex Australia does not host National Convention for 2011.
Those interested can submit your applications to my home address as above. The guidelines are as per our Apex Handbook on Section B from pages 15 – 16. (Reproduced for your easy reference).
Rules & Regulations
1) Objectives of this Fund
a) To encourage and assist local Apexians to travel and participate in the activities of affiliated overseas clubs/associations.
b) To promote international understanding, friendship and personal contacts by exposing members to the workings of clubs/associations in other countries.
2) Approving & Administrative Committee
The approving and administrative committee shall be headed by the National International Relations Director and shall include the National Apex Action and Expansion Director and the National Treasurer. Other National Board members may be invited to sit in at the discretion of the chairman.
3) Operational Procedures
3.1) Duties of the Approving & Administrative Committee
a) The National International Relations Director shall from time to time and as and when required write to all clubs to inform of all approved/sanctioned travel activities. Full details of the activities including type of activity, duration, confirmed dates, approximate costs involved, quantum of funds available for subsidies and other relevant information shall also be circulated.
b) Notice of such travel plans shall be forwarded well in advance but not later than six (6) weeks before the event.
c) The National International Relations Director shall at all times maintain records of circulars, correspondences, travel information, list and status of applicants, quantum of funds available and other relevant information.
3.2) Duties of Clubs/Applicants
a) Besides applying for subsidies from the approved list of travel activities circulated by the National International Relations Director, clubs may also apply for travel subsidy for their members to attend special activities of affiliated overseas clubs/associations which in their opinion shall be beneficial to the club and/or the association.
b) Applications for travel subsidy shall be submitted to the National International Relations Director well in advance but not later than four (4) weeks before the event.
c) The application for the subsidy shall include but not limited to the following details:
i) Name of applicant (member)
ii) Position held at club or national level
iii) Record of member’s travel activities undertaken with any form of subsidy or grant for the preceding three (3) years
iv) Related travel details:
§ Destination
§ Duration of stay
§ Date/day of departure
§ Cost of actual air-fare (economy rate)
v) Name of host club/association
vi) Purpose of visit
4) Eligibility
a) A member who is in benefit and has been active for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years at the time of his application.
b) A member who has received any grant or subsidy from WOCO or its affiliates or from this fund for the preceding one (1) full year from date of application shall not be eligible for any subsidy.
5) Quantum of the Subsidy
a) The amount to be set aside as subsidies from the National Travel Fund for the year in question shall be determined by the National Board and such information shall be communicated to all clubs by the chairman of the Approving & Administrative Committee.
b) Clubs should also be notified when the approved amount has been fully utilised.
c) The considerations for subsidy shall be based on the availability of funds and on the number of applicants.
d) The quantum of the travel subsidy shall follow a graduated scale as stated below.
i) 1st application : 20% - 40% of ticket cost
ii) 2nd application : 20% - 30% of ticket cost
iii) 3rd and subsequent applications : 10% - 20% of ticket cost
6) Closing Date and Acceptance
a) All applications should reach the National International Relations Director at least four (4) weeks before date of departure.
b) The National International Relations Director shall inform all applicants of their status not later than two (2) weeks before departure date.
c) The successful applicant/s shall be paid only after return from his/her travel and upon receiving a satisfactory report.
7) Obligations of the Recipient
a) Within 6 weeks upon return from his/her trip, the recipient/s of this Travel Fund shall submit a written report (with photographs if any) to the National International Relations Director.
b) The report shall include details of the travel, observations, impressions and experiences of the member.
c) The report, if accepted by the Approving & Administrative Committee, may be reproduced in the “Malaysian Apexian” of the term.
d) The approved subsidy shall then be paid out.
Club Presidents and Board members are encouraged to identify successful candidates to grab this opportunity to understand and appreciate international friendship and understanding and through the experience to serve the clubs and national body level for the community and not someone who is selected to serve their own needs.
We have seen in the past the number Founders Fund Travellers disappear from the association after they return.
These are the updates for now and all other international events are as per my circular 1 which is reproduced for your reference.
That’s all for now and meet you in my next circular. As I’m travelling , I may not be able to be reached by phone but you send your message to my email address and I will reply you on the following day.
Yours faithfully
Apexian Dr. M. Arokianathan
National International Relations Director 2010/2011
Apex Malaysia
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