Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Desk of Kelvin Lim, Apex Global Chairman 2012/2013

From the desk of Kevin Lim, Apex Global Chairman 2012/2013
Issue No. 1
9 September 2012

Dear fellow Apexians
I was installed as the Apex Global Chairman 2012/2013 on 28th July 2012 at Apex
Singapore’s National Convention. While there’s sort of a job description, which includes
promoting the Objectives & Ideals of Apex Global, there’s no prescribed way of doing
the job. So I thought I’d write some letters, which I call Musings n Missives, through
which I hope I can at least partially discharge my duties by sharing about things related
to Apex or which may be of interest to Apexians.
Two Apex clubs in Singapore, Bukit Timah and Radin Mas, published Interviews with
the Apex Global Chairman (that’s me!) in their recent August 2012 Dinner Notices (the
Interviews are reproduced below). The Interview by Bukit Timah Club is real, where I
share some thoughts about Apex Global and the Chairman’s role. The Interview by
Radin Mas Club is fictional, where I seem rather “spaced out”.
After just over a month in the job, I sometimes wonder which Interview is the real fiction.
OK, before I go on, some housekeeping matters…
1. Mailing list - Circulation
My current mailing list is certainly not complete, so please forward this letter to other
Apexians. Perhaps NPs / NIROs and Club Presidents or an appointed someone can
take responsibility for forwarding this and future MnMs.
2. Mailing list – duplicates
I apologize if some of you get multiple emails of the same letter. And it may get worse
as other Apexians also forward the messages (am I being presumptuous?). Just delete
the duplicates and please don’t get too stressed out.
3. Frequency
I make no promises as to how often I will dish out MnMs (do I hear “Oh no” or “Yipee”?).
4. Content
While I will do my best not to plagiarize, I may on occasion forward or reproduce
someone else’ work.
For this first issue of MnM, I am reproducing my speech given at my Installation in
Singapore, and also a short speech given off the cuff during Apex Malaysia’s National
Convention in Malacca on 4th August 2012. And after that, a reproduction of the
interviews by Apex Club of Singapore (Bukit Timah) & Apex Club of Singapore (Radin
Speech given at Installation of Apex Global Chairman 2012/2013 in Singapore on 28th July 2012:
The chairmanship of Apex Global is rotated through the various Apex Associations of each Apex
Country, and this year it is Apex Singapore’s turn. It is my privilege & honor to represent Apex
Singapore and be appointed Chairman of Apex Global for 2012-2013.
Firstly, I would like to thank outgoing Chairman Arokianathan for his leadership and services to
Apex Global. I’m sure he will continue to be a mentor to us.
Some of us are unsure what Apex Global is all about, so I’m just going to give a brief overview:
Apex Global was officially established in 2008. It allows us, as Apex Associations, to come
together regularly as a group, and to use Apex Global as a vehicle to promote ourselves within
our own countries as well as within the region.
The Objectives of Apex Global are:-
To foster and promote active interests in all community affairs both locally and internationally;
To encourage high standards and communication in business;
To share ideas and methods of greater efficiency and effectiveness;
To promote and participate in genuine good fellowship;
To contact and support young people.
The Apex Global Statement is “PARTICIPATION, PEOPLE, PURPOSE – our world, our
community”, and is to be utilized at all times when publicizing in the wider regional community.
This Statement forms part of the overall mission of all Apex Associations, being that we as
likeminded Associations will encourage all members to increase their Participation in Apex, that
the People of Apex are united in their desire to help their own communities as well as all
communities in our region and that our Purpose is to create an atmosphere where we all Grow,
Learn to Make Friends and Have Fun while Helping Others. Our World, Our Community is a
symbolic statement of our membership of a wider community across the globe.
Apex Global is still a young entity and will continue to evolve. There are many challenges ahead
for the Apex movement, and I ask for your support, and encourage all of us to work together to
secure a better future for ourselves, for Apex, and for the world. Thank you.
Short speech given at Apex Malaysia’s National Convention in Malacca on 4th August 2012
Congratulations to Apex Malaysia for concluding another year, and best wishes to the incoming
National Board.
The Apex Global member countries are Australia, Bangladesh, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, and Sri Lanka. We are a diverse lot. We have different economic and
social environments, different community needs, projects, and ways of doing things. But we
have a common heritage, a common origin. We know how to make and be friends, and we know
how to have fun helping others.
With Apex Global we hope to strengthen the bridges between us, share best practices and
promote genuine good fellowship. Let us rise above cultural, political or geographic boundaries,
and strive for a stronger Apex identity. Thank you.
Here is the interview by Apex Club of Bukit Timah:
And finally, the interview by Apex Club of Radin Mas:

Well folks, that’s it for the first issue of MnM. Till next time…
Kevin Lim
Apex Global Chairman 2012-13

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